Happy 1st Birthday Lucy!
A year ago, God blessed us with you and our lives have never been the same!
Lucy Madison Lemonds
Born May 10, 2009
(Due May 22, 2009)
Weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz.
20 in. long
7:58 p.m.
Check out those chubby cheeks!!!
And all that hair!
These are some of her newborn pics taken by Todd Fleming Photography..
I can't believe you are already a year old and not a baby anymore! You have been such a joy and an incredible addition to our family! Our lives wouldn't be the same without you!
Just look at how much you have grown over the past year!
And now at a year old, you are such a big girl!
At a year old, you....
- wear 12-18 months clothing
- wear size 4 diapers
- wear a size 3 shoe
- weigh 19 1/2 lbs.
- can say momma, daddy, hey, mmmmm, sh (like shooey stinky diaper), eeee!!!! (when you want something)
- crawl super fast, can stand and have taken a few steps but not walking yet
- climb things (including steps)
- drink from a cup...no more bottles!
- wake up at 7...6 oz. cup, 1 jar of food at 8:30, 4 oz. cup at 9:30, nap from 10:00-12:00, 1 jar of food at 12:30, 4 oz. cup at 1:30, nap from 2:00-3:30, 4 oz. cup at 5:00 and 6 oz. cup at 7:00, bedtime at 7:00!
- don't eat much table foods yet because of allergies
- play peek-a-boo, clap your hands and say "yahhh," wave bye-bye
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