Monday, May 3, 2010

Divide and conquer

I know this is the beginning of many, but Jay and I had to divide and conquer with our kids tonight!  Brayden had a baseball game and Karis had her new gymnastics class on the same night, same time.  Karis and I had been talking about this all week but I have never left her at gymnastics before.  I always stay and watch but up until now, it has only been in one hour increments.  Now, however, it is TWO hours long TWO days a week.  Just wondering...have you ever tried to contain a crawling one year old in a place like this for TWO straight hours?  Just about impossible...without losing one's mind!  So, Karis and I had been talking about now that she is in a "big girl" class, I would not be staying every time.  She was VERY excited about this and wanted me to leave.  She kept grinning every time we talked about it. So the plan was to drop her off, get her started in her new class, and then leave, go to Brayden's game and then come back to pick her up.  However, when I got ready to leave, she started crying and I assured her I would stay if she wanted me to.  So I gathered all of my things (and Lucy) and headed back inside and informed Jay and Brayden that I would not be going to the game after all.  

She did great in her new class and I (tried) to contain Lucy for 2 whole hours.  Here are the girls in K's new class.  Karis is the littlest and youngest (I think).  There may be one other little girl that is 5 but the rest of them are 7.  I think Karis felt a little intimidated at first, but she did great and made several new friends!

Entertaining Lulu...

We tried to stay in the stroller and watch, but of course that didn't last long!

She learned to climb up these stairs, but then didn't know how to get down!

Karis was first in line because Coach said she was working so hard!

We are so proud of you Karis!


Even though I wasn't there, I wanted to document some of the funnies from the game so I won't forget them.  Jay said at one time during the game, Brayden was laid down on the pitcher's mound on his back with his glove up under his head and legs crossed, like he was in a Laz-y-boy!  Glad he didn't get hit in the head!  Another time he was on the ground out in the field filling his hat with dirt!  And another time, Brayden caught the ball in the outfield and then ran all the way around the outfield WITH the ball.  I think that hitter got a few stolen bases off of Brayden!  haha

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