I have been dreading today for months since I made the appointment. You really have NO idea how bad Karis HATES shots. Like in January when I took them to get their flu shot, I had 3 nurses in there helping me with all the kids while they all got shots. Karis stood in the corner making fists yelling "NOOOOOO!" and shaking like a leaf. It took 2 of us to hold her down.
So today was a girl day for me and the girls and Jay had a boy day with Brayden. I told Karis that first we were taking Lucy to the doctor and knowing she would be seen too, I chose not to fill her in on that part. If I had told her, I promise she would not have slept last night and would be throwing up before we left. She would have been miserable! So, since she is like me and worries about everything, I knew if she didn't know until it was time, the better off we were. And it was SOOO much better that way.
So I DID tell her (in the waiting room) that they would check on her to make sure she was healthy and she still was panicking about that, but no tears yet. So they took us back and started checking on Karis...weight, height, blood pressure, hearing/vision etc.
You can see the "secret panic" in her face...
Then it came time for the finger prick...oh my word! You would have thought they had cut off Karis' arm!!! But it was over quickly and she was told to put on a gown...she didn't like that either because it meant "the doctor might see my panties!" I assured her it was ok and she reluctantly put it on. She was asking a million questions by this point. I just avoided the topic and just kept saying, "It's going to be ok Karis...you are doing great!"
Check out this face after the finger prick...
Then it came time for Lucy's prick...she wasn't fond of it either of course. But I must recommend taking the stroller in to buckle them up for check-ups...it worked great! They can't get away! Oh and Lucy's ears were CLEAR!!!! This is the longest time they have been clear ever so I am crossing my fingers she is growing out of these horrible ear infections!

Then we were waiting on our papers when she came in with the "big shots." I expressed quietly to the sweet nurse that the "big one" didn't know yet what was about to happen and she quietly gave me the "game plan" and we went in for the attack haha! I picked her up and sat her on there and said, "Karis we are going to go ahead and get your shots and get them over with..." and she was immediately in panic/screaming/flailing of arms and legs while I was trying to hold her down. And it was over in about 10 seconds! Immediately afterwards I said, "Karis those were your school shots and now it is over...no more!!!" She said, "Those were my school shots? It's over????" And she was grinning amongst all the crocodile tears. She was so relieved it was over and so was I!!! I was sweating like it was 190 degrees and my heart was beating like crazy! She did so good and was so proud of herself. She kept saying, "Those didn't even hurt that bad! The finger prick was the worst part!" Check out this proud grin of her war wounds...

While we were at the doctor, Jay took Brayden to a bunch of "boy stores" like the fishing store, pet store, sports stores etc. Then we met up at the mall for Karis to pick out a prize for her traumatic morning. We shopped some and she picked out a lockable diary and pen that goes with it. Then we met up with the boys and took the kids to Cici's for lunch. Brayden ate FOUR pieces of pizza and dessert pizza! Karis of course nibbled on her one piece of pizza but ate a HUGE salad...with Ranch of course. Lucy was worn out from the morning and slept through the whole lunch...and I wasn't complaining!
Then we had to run a few errands and take Jay's truck in to get it charged. I mean everybody needs some air in this 90 degree heat! Then we came home and washed the car and I had some helpers...
And Brayden washed his bike...
And they played in the water because it's fun like that...
Later in the afternoon we got out and ran some more errands and grabbed some Sonic milkshakes and slushes on our way home. My house is a disaster but I let it all go and watched a movie upstairs with the kids because they wanted me to. I mean, I have only seen Hotel For Dogs 428 times, so why not?
It has been a good day and I am sooo proud of my girls for being so brave!
Now for the stats of the girls because I don't want to forget these later...
Lucy (at 12 months and 2 1/2 weeks)
Weight: 19 lbs. 8 oz. (25th %)
Height: 29 1/2 in. (66th %)
Head Circumference: 47 cm (90th %)
Hematrocrit: 35%
Karis (at 5 1/2 yrs.)
Weight: 39 lbs. (25th %)
Height: 42 1/2 in. (20th %)
Body Mass Index: 14.8 (50th %)
BPressure: 90/52
Cholestrol: 159
Hematocrit: 41%