Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lucy has weaned herself...boohoo!

I have been getting to know my baby again this week...Lucy that is.

Because as of last Sunday, on her 8 month birthday, she refused to nurse...boohoo! I was working full time when Karis and Brayden were little and wasn't able to nurse as long as I had wanted to, Karis for 3 months and Brayden for 5 months. Now that I work at home, I was hoping to nurse until she is a year old. But SHE has decided otherwise.

She has had 2 ear infections in the last month and when she has one and gets really congested, she won't nurse for a couple of days and I have to pump in the meantime. Then she gets used to the bottle and I have a hard time going back to nursing. Since this last one, she hasn't ever gone back. When I lay her down to nurse, she acts like it is foreign and pushes it away.

But that is only HALF the battle.

I am still pumping because I want her to have breastmilk for as long as I can do it (until she is a year hopefully). But since she is not nursing, my milk supply has decreased. Vitamins..tried them...not really working. So I have had to introduce her to formula. First kind... Enfamil Lipil, major failure. Remember this allergic reaction? So I tried to find a lactose free (which is what my other kids took) but Walmart doesn't carry it anymore. SO I have no other choice than SOY...yuck! It stinks something terrible and let's just say she isn't crazy about it. She is still getting mostly breastmilk but I am having to add in some formula throughout the day. And since this whole switch? Her eating habits and sleeping habits have completely changed.

I am having to learn my child...again.

One morning this week she slept until 8, while the next day, 5 a.m.! She is still napping 2-3 times a day and often wants to go to bed for the night around 6 p.m. and I wake her up to eat between 9-10 to get in those extra calories.

But she is not taking the bottle great. In fact, not good at all. She is loving food and eats TONS of food each day and just isn't crazy about the bottle. I have tried going straight to the sippy cup thinking maybe she will go ahead and transition but she isn't crazy about that either. I have even switched bottles, nipples, times of feedings etc and nothing is helping. I am worried she is not drinking enough but is still having wet diapers so I think she is fine but I am basically standing on my head to get her to take even 10-15 oz a day. It is a celebration if she takes 4 oz. at a feeding! I am even throwing some formula scoops in her food/cereal to add in the extra calories. I am hoping this week will be better and I can figure her out again. She has always been such a scheduled baby so we are working on readjusting and getting on a schedule again.

Yes, I am sad she has weaned herself...very sad. I cry thinking about it, especially knowing Lucy is our last child. She doesn't need me anymore, not like that.

Right now I just have to figure her out so she can continue to grow up healthy and strong!

Has anyone ever been through this or have any other ideas I could try? HELP!


  1. Amanda, I had a similar situation happen with me. Due to pumping, I lost my supply at 9 months. Also, I don't think I was drinking enough water or taking in enough calories toward the end. So sorry...I know how sad it is, though. I'm hoping to nurse our new little one longer...but I guess you never know what will happen.

  2. Hi, Amanda! I just discovered your blog and love it :( I am also a mother of three that are roughly the same age as your children and a Christian.

    My daughter weaned herself at 8 months and we had a similar problem with calories and not eating enough at first. I did everything that you are doing and within a week or two everything balanced out. I did stop feeding her baby food and fed her mashed up table food. Our pediatrician said that nutrient wise and calorie wise that she needed regular food instead of just vegetables and fruits.

  3. Oh, I just remembered this...

    Have you tried phase two nipples? My kids wouldn't take bottles unless they had faster flow nipples.
