Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Everything under the sun

This may be the most random post EVER...yep, about everything under the sun.

I have some odd pictures from the last couple of days that I thought I would throw together so here ya go....just a's all over the place.


How many pacis does a girl need??? Lucy hasn't quite figured out that although she has 48 pacis in her bed (very strategic) she can only use one at a time. Alot of times when I go to check on her while sleeping (Have I mentioned I love a sleeping baby???), she has one paci in her mouth, one in each hand, and about 5 more around her face. And she has also figured out how to stand up and throw them out of the bed. When she is crying in bed, it usually means she has thrown her 48 pacis onto the floor and can't get them back. I haven't seen it in action yet but hope to spy on her soon and figure out how she is doing this. Oh and when I do, I will be sure to take a picture of the evidence...just for you peeps.

I know we aren't in February yet, but this Valentine outfit she has almost grown out of, so I wanted to get some wear out of it. I love Lucy...and I don't mean the TV show!

My Lucy and the other 2 big babysitting kids are all crawling/walking and everywhere. So I have had to section a part of my house that is babyproof and gate them in when I am doing things like making lunch. Yep, I put my 8 month old in JAIL we call it around here. They often find themselves standing at the gate wanting out of jail...I don't blame them. But sometimes, it is necessary!

As I was making breakfast this morning (boiled eggs and turkey bacon), I noticed something on the egg carton that I have never noticed before. Do you see it? Look closely.

How cool is that? Scripture on my egg carton! We get our eggs from Aldi's so don't know if just Aldi's does this or not?! I was impressed!

Karis' favorite snack these days? Carrot sticks. I think I saw her about 10 times yesterday getting into the fridge for another stick. She ought to have some good eye sight! haha Oh but here she has bacon in one hand and carrot in the other...interesting combination!
More baby talk...yes I am at home all day with SIX children 5 and under. Three of them are teething so you can imagine EVERYTHING is going in the mouth and you better hope it isn't your finger! And yes, I have to clean my floors constantly! I find them at the "jail" door gnawing on it...and yes I have lots of teether toys here but of course they don't want those. They get creative with how they work on those teeth!

They were wanting to play with this random box of small cereal boxes that someone gave us so I let them play with them. Pretty soon they were doing this....

All together now...

Did I mention they were teething? Here's the damage.

I am loving The Biggest Loser this season and look forward to it every Tuesday. I get motivated to eat healthier and just love seeing their transformations. Jillian was being ruthless last night wasn't she? Yikes. I wouldn't want to get her in way! But I do agree with her, that girl (forgot her name) was definitely throwing the weigh-in!

I am getting my hair cut tonight for the first time in over 6 months and it is way overdue. AND I am also taking Karis to get her first real hair cut ever (in a salon). Yes she is 5 1/2 and never had a real haircut...I usually just cut hers and Brayden's hair myself. I should have some before and after pics of our outing later tonight!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, Ryan has two paci's in his crib but he seems to like his thumb so much better, oh well!

    He is chewing on everything as well. Some is his favorites are paper and tags on stuff! Isn't that funny!

    I love the biggest loser too but I don't think I could handle Jillian, I would just cry!!!
