Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Snapshots

As I was taking our Sunday snapshots (2 weeks in a row yay!), Brayden went and got a pen when I put this shirt on him and said, "Look mom, I look like my Pop!" (That is my dad.)

Goofy smile Brayden

As we were taking the pics, we looked out the front window and saw this....

Watching the deer....

Goofy boy!

Lucy LOVES her baby...

Lucy has recently started playing with this baby doll and she is LOVING it. She kisses (slobbers) all over it and then does it all over again. It has a bottle that goes to the baby but she seems to get it confused with her bottle. Sometimes she will try to feed the baby and then other times she will try to feed herself...and then get frustrated when nothing comes out! Ha! Anyway, it is neat to see her excited about a toy and to see the lightbulb come on when they figure stuff out. Sweet moments!

*Look at some of the pics looks like she is giving CPR to the baby. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Who I Aaaaammmmm...."

Brayden has recently been singing this annoying song over and over again...well he is singing one line of it OVER and OVER again. The only line he sings is...."Who I Aaaaaammmmm..." We have been trying to figure out what song it was and where he got it from. BUT we figured it out tonight. Recently I have been turning on the Directv channel upstairs for the kids that is just music...the kids channel. They love it and dance around to it. Alot of the songs are Disney songs or songs they have heard on random movies. Tonight Jay was upstairs and he called me up to hear/see what was going on. The song that was on was Nick Jonas, "Who I Am..." and Brayden was JAMMIN to it and Karis was dancing/prancing around like a princess. We then remembered seeing him on the Jay Leno show last week randomly (we don't ever watch this just happened to be on) and Nick Jonas was on there singing this song. Jay and I both thought the song was so annoying...all he does is sing that same line OVER and OVER again....just like Brayden was doing! Ha! But apparently, Brayden loves the song! I got the last minute or so of it...

*Oh and interesting enough in this one minute, you will also see Brayden attempting the splits, wiping snot from his nose on his shirt (gross!), him attempting to play behind his back haha, and Karis being princessly dramatic!

Attempt at snowangels...

Although we didn't get the 5 inches of snow predicted, the kids still ATTEMPTED to play in the ice. It wasn't near as much fun but they made the best of it anyway. They jumped on the trampoline (well kinda), gathered snow, I mean ice to eat, rode their bikes and then they were pretty much freezing! Then it was time to strip off the 15 layers of clothes and warm up by the fireplace! Regardless, we enjoyed another day snowed in with the family. We had lots of good quality family time and enjoyed one another's company...priceless!

Looking at the beautiful sunset shining on the snow...gorgeous!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Another snow day...

Well we were out of school again today for snow/ice and this time they probably made the right call (unlike last time when the streets were dry). We started getting lots of sleet this morning and had a round of snow but not much. Then it rained pretty much all afternoon and now the trees are COVERED in icicles. They say there is another round of snow (1-3 inches) coming in tonight but the kids are VERY upset that it rained all day and didn't really snow (I don't blame them!). So we have had to get creative today since we were stuck inside!

We started off they day with some waffles, sausage and of our favorite breakfasts on a lazy day. Lucy wanted some too! She kept crawling up to daddy's lap like this...

The kids wanted to have a "bath party." Not really sure why it is so exciting but my kids act like it is a real treat! You want to know what it is? Drumroll please....a bath....with bathing suits on! See? Exciting I know.

They made a couch on the floor with couch cushions and clubhouses, did art projects, wrestled with each other, hugged and cuddled, made gifts for their friends, juiced (twice) and watched movies.

And cuddled with Lucy of course! Notice Brayden is having his daily dose of coffee...and I won't tell you how many I had today (at least one was decaf)!

Yesterday I did anticipate that we would be out today so I went ahead and cleaned and caught up on laundry so that I could relax today...and so I did just that! We stayed in pj's all day and it was great! I have been extremely lazy although I did manage to cook a yummy dinner.

Oh and some funny things the kids said at dinner tonight...
1) I have recently explained to the kids what "peas in a pod" were. Tonight we had some green beans and Karis called them "peas on a cob." I think she got "peas in a pod" and "corn on the cob" mixed up!
2) We were eating chicken and Brayden said,
"Mom do you know what this chicken was born of?"
"What was this chicken born of Brayden?"
(Oh of course!...I should have thought of that sooner!)


Changing subjects, Lucy said her 2nd word....DADDA! She has said it accidental several times recently but we think it is intentional as of yesterday. She does LOVE her daddy!


We are truly hoping we don't lose power...that is our biggest concern right now! Hope you enjoyed your snow day!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tickets go on sale shortly...

...for the Lemonds' family play of course!

Karis and Brayden have started putting on plays for us lately and Karis is quite the "planner" (too much like her momma) and she tells B verbatim what to say. Jay had to be the introducer tonight and she and B performed for us.

"In-tro-duc-ing......the Princess Ballerina and the Frisbee Mannnnnnnn!!!!"

Then they went and changed clothes into these below and performed again....the Lion and Scooby Doo!

I had to take a pic of the entire outfit so that you could see how short it is...yea I think it is a size 2. She is waiting on a flood!

Playing with his tail like the Lion on the Wizard of Oz.....
I know you are jealous you weren't here for the premiere but tickets will go on sale very soon! :)


Remember this random post from yesterday about everything under the sun? Well I mentioned that Lucy is dropping her pacis out of her bed and then crying because she can't get them back. Well I have EVIDENCE!!!!


Look closer....

Count them...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6!
Ok so maybe I was exaggerating when I said she had 48, however she has alot and manages to get rid of ALL of them!

That little stinker!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beauty inside and out

Karis and I both got our hair cut tonight...together. It has been over 6 months since I got mine cut and it was SOOOO needed! Karis, on the other hand, got her hair cut for the 1st time in a salon. She was so excited and wanted to look like a "teenager" (whatever that means...and no! I don't want her to look like a teenager, not yet anyway).


Bein' a big girl....

She got 4 inches cut off!

So cute! I love it and yes, she does look older. Maybe not a teenager, but that is just fine with me!

I got mine highlighted and about 4 inches cut off the bottom. I even got some bangs which you can't really see in this picture. I am interested to see what it looks like tomorrow when I fix it. You know how nobody can fix your hair like you can? Or am I alone in that? Anyway it was fun to get to do this with Karis...she is such a sweetheart! I love making memories!
I love you Karis and think you are beautiful on the outside, but way more beautiful on the inside. I am proud of you and love you with all my heart!