Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yard Sale jackpot and Timmy's bday

For those of you that know my mother, she is a yard sale extraordinare...seriously a professional some might say.  She has memorized streets in her city, knows how to track them and knows exactly what neighborhoods and even houses have good sales.  She targets the good sales and on most all Saturday mornings you will find her and her amigas making their rounds at sales across the city.  She buys most of my kids' clothes at yard sales for super cheap!  I do like yard saling like my mom but am not a pro nor can I find the good sales like she can.  Anyway....Saturday morning my mom hit the JACKPOT at a yard sale.  She will tell you it was probably the best yard sale day she has ever had in years....and most of it was for my children.  I am SOOO thankful she loves to do for my kids...I appreciate it so much!

She came home with all of these clothes for Karis.....

Most of it came from one house and the lady was selling them all for $1 a piece.  But there was so many pieces to go through, my mom just offered her $50 for all of it (2 bulging lawn bags full) and the lady agreed.  When we got to counting, it was over 200 pieces of clothing from Gymboree and Gap for FIFTY DOLLARS!  You wouldn't be able to buy one outfit for that much if bought at full price!!!

This is just one of many stacks that are all a Gymboree line (meaning they all mix and match with one another).  I think this stack had like 13 pieces that all went together.

More stacks (each stack is a Gymboree line)...

We packed it all up and it took 4 garbage bags to bag up all the stuff.  Karis is set for this year!  Thanks Lolli...I am glad you hit the jackpot!!!


After Karis' party, we headed over to our buddy Timmy's house for party #2 of the day.  He is practically family (use to be a foster child of my parents until he was adopted).  He turned 10 today and my kids loved being a part of his special day!

The "big boys" played kickball for a while and then came back to eat dirt cake (such a great boy party idea) and open presents.  Brayden never would eat it because he thought it really had dirt in it...haha!

We were singing to him here...

He is blowing out candles here...notice Brayden is "assisting" him!  :)

Karis and Emily
 (Timmy's sister...flowergirl in my wedding 7 years ago)

Opening gifts

His brother Nick

We love you Timmy...Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, is his really that old? Where has time gone? I remember when he was a baby and I remember taking Emily to ride the carousel at the mall when she was like 4!! Wow, happy birthday!
