Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Karis!

Karis, today is your 6th birthday.  As I look back over your years, tears come to my eyes when I realize what a joy you have been in our lives.  You are such a precious gift that neither your dad nor I deserve.  

These are my maternity pictures when I was preggo with you.  I ended up going into labor a few hours after these pics were taken but didn't have you for 48 more hours.

I went into labor on a Saturday night while your dad and I were sitting in Lolli's living room.  My contractions were 5 minutes apart when they started and were consistent all night long.  I called the doc and he told me to try to get some rest and come in in the morning.  Yea right?!  Try to get some rest???  I did my best and prepared to go in the next day and have you.  But you were 3 weeks early and the doc gave me some meds and sent me back home...I was TICKED at him.  I knew you were on your way.  I went in for a checkup on Monday morning and the doc sent me straight over the hospital in a wheel chair because you would be born that day!  I was so excited yet nervous at the same time!  I labored all day and by 7:00 that night, I still hadn't dialated past 3 so they decided to take you via C-section.  

You were born at 7:31 p.m. weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and were 19 3/4 inches long.
(Yes, that is you coming out of my stomach!)

This is at your 1st birthday party...

2nd birthday party

3rd birthday party

4th birthday

5th birthday

6th birthday

You have grown up to be such a sweet, polite, respectful, fun, obedient little lady.  We are so proud of you and thank God every day that He blessed us with you.  You are one of the lights of my life! 
