Monday, October 18, 2010

Rough Monday.

Today has been a super rough mommy day to be honest.  Both of my little ones (Lucy and Brayden) developed some cold over the weekend (runny nose and cough) that has gotten worse and worse.  Lucy has been up in the night for 4 nights straight which she rarely does.  So at 4:30 this morning, she was up wanting a cup and then I got back in bed and B started coughing.  I went to check on him and he needed a breathing treatment. So after I finished that, it was time for me to get up and start for the day.  So my morning started at 4:30 and the coffee was absolutely necessary!  I worked all day and B has continued to need around the clock treatments every 2-3 hours. He is on a steroid which hopefully will make him better but makes him super mean ugh!

Lucy's nose is really green but hasn't had temp so I am trying to wait it out.  I am really hoping she doesn't have an ear infection!!!  Hopefully tonight will be better and momma can get some sleep!

But Karis came home with her first Kindergarten report card which just made my day a little brighter!  She got all "S" which is the highest she could get and I was so proud of her!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for our crew!  


  1. We feel ya, girl. Me and Edy are sick as well. This is Edy's first cold and I'm trying to wait it out, too. They usually don't do much for kiddos her age. Hope your crew gets to feeling better soon.

  2. Aww I'm so sorry about your sick little ones. Annabelle was just on steroids for a looming cough and it really really helped!
