Our 7th Anniversary Bahama Cruise was INCREDIBLE! Of course we expected it to be just that...and it lived up to all our expectations! In addition to our night in Miami, we woke up the next morning to the most beautiful sunrise and a relaxing morning before we took a cab to the cruise just a couple of miles away.
Oh and of course I took lots of pictures so this post will be in two parts. If you don't like pics, stop reading now haha!
One of my fav parts about our Miami view of the Bay was this bridge. Jay was laughing at me because I was so entertained by it but I have never seen one like this before. When a boat needed to go under this short bridge, the cars would stop at a red light and the bridge would part to let it through...so cool! We just watched this numerous times from our bed!
Gorgeous sunrise!
And as we were looking at the sunrise, we realized that our cruise ship had docked over night, along with 2 more!
We enjoyed breakfast, bottomless Starbucks coffee, time in the Word, and good talks before we headed out....
And I looked at this handsome man... (alot!)
Here is a video of our hotel view because pictures just don't do it justice...
Miami view from Amanda Lemonds on Vimeo.
We got on the ship and were on the balcony checking out the view..
Our ship, the Carnival Imagination was amazing of course...
We had an early dinner 6:00 and we were excited that we had great table friends. For those of you that never been on a cruise before, you are assigned a table number and you eat with those same people every night. We were pleasantly surprised and got along great with all of them...we even went to a show with some of them later in the week.
This is a mom (far left) with her 2 daughters and one son-in-law from Raleigh, NC. They surprised their mom for her 50th birthday and told her what days to take off work and she had no idea where she was going until she got there! How awesome!
This is Jason and Kelsey from Tulsa, Oklahoma who was celebrating their 10th anniversary. They had two boys, ages 6 and 9, at home with grandparents.
Just us at dinner...
And the food was unreal! Here are just a few that I took....
Every night we would eat our appetizer and main course and before we got our dessert and coffee, the wait staff would do a dance for us that was always SOOO entertaining. Our Maitre' D was so funny....he did a GREAT job! He is from India and leaves a wife and one son behind. He has been doing this for 17 years and is gone 7 months out of the year. I can not imagine how hard that would be on these people's families!
Our waiters were from Indonesia and Thailand. They were great and very friendly. Jay and I LOVED talking them about their countries and families and they would just light up when talking about it! We were very intrigued by all the different countries that were represented and their traditions and customs. We especially enjoyed hearing about a couple we met from India that (we think) had an arranged marriage and they were on their honeymoon. They both had gotten henna for their ceremony and we enjoyed talking with them about it.
At our table we were celebrating 2 anniversaries and 2 birthdays. Here are the birthday celebrations..
We even got sushi one night before our real dinner and it was soooo good!
Our housekeeper, Moses, was so friendly! He came to introduce himself on the first night and remembered our names and called us out by name each time he saw us. He did great towel animals...
Part 2 coming as soon as I can get all the pics uploaded....
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