Saturday, June 5, 2010

A to Z

I saw this fun little A-Z questionnaire a while back on a few blogs and decided I would do it just for fun! 

A. AREA CODE : Well my phone number is one area code but I live in another. I have no intentions of changing my phone number anytime soon so lets go with 901.

B. BED SIZE: Queen but someday I would love to have a king size bed!

C. CHORE YOU HATE: I like washing clothes but I dislike folding them and hanging them up.  I also dislike emptying the dishwasher!  Ugh!

D. DOG'S NAME: None..thankfully we don't have any pets.  Brayden is allergic!

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: COFFEE!  I absolutely love coffee and have at least 2 cups a morning!  I don't even really need the caffeine, I just really LOVE it!

F. FAVORITE COLOR: I don't really have a favorite. There are lots of colors I like certain shades of including pink and brown.


H. HEIGHT: 5' 2" "Wish I was a little bit taller...."

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: None...I tried piano lessons when I was little but never was very good at it!

J. Job: Love being able to work from home to be home with my kiddos!

K. KIDS: Karis (age 5), Brayden (age 3), and Lucy (1)....they are the light of my life (along with Jay of course)!

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Live in a house (parsonage) and we don't own it.  We live in the country which I now love but it has been an adjustment!

N. NICKNAME: Babe (Jay), Mom (kids), Mandy (when I was little...some still call me that), Amanda Mae (my former first and middle name)...can't think of any more although I am sure there are some.


O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: Lots of times...I have had 3 children!

P. PET PEEVE: slow drivers, nails on chalkboard, disorganization, people that don't pick up after themselves...can't think of any others.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: No movies but don't memorize quotes from them.


S. SIBLINGS: I have 3 younger brothers.

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: Usually about 5:30

U. UNDERWEAR: All different kinds.

V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE: I like all veggies!

W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: A kid that spits up or poops before we leave or can't find a shoe.  Also sometimes I have to take a pic before we leave..oops!

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: When I was pregnant with Karis, they thought I had a kidney stone so I had one then.  But it was just that she was so big and on all my organs that my body wasn't working properly!  I'll spare the details.  You're welcome.

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Roast, Pepper Jack chicken, sausage balls, gooey butter cake.

Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: Monkeys, giraffes and zebras

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