Friday, June 11, 2010

Foster sister and brothers

For those of you that don't know, my parents did foster work for 25 years while I was growing up.  We always had other children in our home and there are very few memories I have when we didn't have a foster child in our home.  Over time, my parents fostered almost 75 children.  Some stayed a few days, while others 3-4 years.

I especially hold some special memories with a set of siblings, 3 of them, whom we still keep in contact with today.  My parents had them for 3 years from the time the youngest was born until he was 3 years old when they were adopted into a family.  Some of you may remember them as Queen, Lee and Tate.  When they were adopted, their names were changed to Emily, Nick and Timmy.

They came to my parent's house to visit for the weekend and we got to spend time with them.  They come often and my kids LOVE to see them.  They are like long lost cousins and they just pick up right where they left off.

This is Emily...she was the flower girl in my wedding when she was only 6 years old.  She has grown up into a beautiful lady and is now a teenager, 13 years old.  

This is Nick, now 9.

And this is Timmy, age 8.

We went swimming with them on Friday afternoon and all had a blast!  Lucy is LOVING the water these days!  (Yes I know her bow doesn't matched the outfit she had on before we changed her haha.)

She found one of the kid's chocolate chip cookies and went. to. town!

The whole gang...

Love this one!

My "foster" siblings (they will always be that to me...very special)...

Aren't they adorable???

K went down the slide and this is a big proud of her and she was SOOO proud of herself!  Brayden went down too, but only after much bribery AND in my lap.  

Cool as cucumbers...

Love you Emily, Nick and Timmy!


  1. how neat that you stay in touch! They are beautiful children!

    thanks for the comment on my blog...i don't stay as up to date as you! :) you are great at it

  2. Wow, I can't believe how big they are now. I still remember when your Mom and Dad first got them. This makes me feel real old now. Ha ha, I am getting old now. They look great. I remember when 'Queen' use to say, "call me Emily".
