Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long day(s)....

    One of those days has turned into one of those WEEKS!    

About 4 days ago, Lucy started running a fever and coughing and I wasn't sure what it was.  I knew it could be an ear infection, but I thought was a virus due to some of the different symptoms (coughing and lack of congestion which she usually has with an ear infection).  I tried to wait it out and hoping I wouldn't have to go to the doctor.  She was ok some days and seemed happy and others she was just very clingy.  She also cried when I would lay her down and she only does that when sick.  We spent the night at my moms Friday night and she seemed happy and even Saturday morning she was ok but when she woke up from her nap on Saturday afternoon, she was VERY clingy and fussy and wouldn't let me put her down for like 4 hours straight, which is NOT her.  My pediatrician was closed and thought about taking her to a walk-in clinic at Walgreens but they closed 30 minutes before we called.  UGH!  A few hours later I noticed that her middle finger on her left hand looked real tight and swollen.  I turned her palm over and it was very red, puffy and swollen.  It definitely looked infected.  She had a small cut on it (and I have NO idea how) and I guess it had just gotten infected.  That is when I dropped everything and said, "I am going to a minor med!"  I grabbed her bag and my purse and headed out.  

She DID have an ear infection but the doctor seemed very concerned about her finger.  He said we might have to go to an ER to have it cleaned out....yikes!  I had my mom's best friend Karen look at it and we all together decided we would get her started on the antibiotic and wait and see how it looked in the morning.  

In the mean time, Brayden allergies were aggravated and he had 5 doses of Benadryl in 2 days as well as had used his inhaler multiple times for asthma problems.  Also, Karis had a congested nose and a terrible cough.


These are the meds our crew took over the past 24 hours....

The night wasn't AS bad as I expected it to be.  I did get about 5 1/2 hours of sleep but have been up since about 3:30 giving rounds of meds and rocking Lucy back to sleep...poor thing she was so congested and couldn't breathe, not to mention her finger probably really hurt.

When we woke up, Lucy's finger wasn't worse, but I wasn't totally convinced that the Augmentin they prescribed her was strong enough for her skin infection.  After much thought, I decided for my own peace of mind, I would take her to my pediatrician to have them take a closer look and give me a second opinion.  Sure enough, they agreed and he changed her antibiotic to Cleocin, which is much stronger and better for both infections.  

We got it filled and I got her started on her new meds.  Within 2 hours of giving her a dose of her new medicine, I could already tell it was a little better.  I am hoping that tonight is better than last and hopefully soon, all the kiddos will get better and back to their normal, sweet selves.  

Then we all CRASHED, me included.  I got a 30 minute cat nap and Karis slept so long I had to wake her up after 3 hours so she would sleep tonight!  We all needed sleep!

While I was in the kitchen, Karis went outside and picked this for me and it made my day.  She knew just what this tired momma needed!

So far today, Lucy took about 2 30 minute catnaps so I tried putting her down at 7:00 which is her normal bedtime.  I knew she had to be exhausted!  Well after a 2 hour battle, she is finally asleep at 9:15.  She had some eczema that was flairing up so she was itching so bad I had to give her benadryl.  Also she had a wheezy cough so I had to give her her first breathing treatment ever...boohoohoo!  I am afraid she will have bad asthma like her brother.  :(  So poor baby has an ear infection, finger/hand infection, itching eczema that looks like poison ivy, runny nose, cough and asthma tonight.  Brayden is also taking a breathing treatment now as I type. :(

I don't mean to complain, but I want to document the good and the bad.  Also, when I have been tempted to cry, worry, whine, complain etc. (the list goes on), I am reminded that I really don't have anything to complain about.  

Baby Cohen is 6 days old, has 4 heart defects and is fighting for his life.  And THAT will put things into perspective.  I have NO problems in comparison.  And even during the hard times, I still consider being a mommy the ultimate blessing.  It is worth ALL the sleepless nights, sickness and frustration.

Please pray Lucy's finger continues to get better and we don't have to go the ER and that everyone at my house gets better really soon!

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