Thursday, April 11, 2013

A wonderful weekend planned...epic fail.

 We sure did have a fun weekend planned....and OHHHH how things took a turn.  A really bad one.

On our agenda we had a sleepover planned, 4 birthday/baby reveal parties to go to, a possible reunion with the Johnstons that were in town, church and a baseball practice.  That plan quickly got turned upside down in about 10 minutes.

My friend Paige and her daughter Mari-Morgan came over Friday night for a sleepover and Eli was already here too and he and Brayden had already made this cross completely their idea and nailed it and everything. 
We were sitting around eating pizza when all of a sudden I started feeling REALLY nauseous...and quick.  The pizza smell was grossing me out and all I wanted to do was lay down.  I told Paige how I was feeling and it went downhill fast.  She decided to end the sleepover (good call!) and offered to take both Karis and Lucy home with her for the night and Marybeth agreed to come get Eli and take Brayden home too.  I absolutely HATE asking for help I am a do-it-all kind of mom and God used this experience to totally humble me!

Oh and did I mention Jay was out of out of the INDIA (which is why I needed help and why Paige was coming over for a sleepover)!  Every time he goes out of the country somebody (or all of us) get sick. Without. Fail. Every. Time.

So to spare you the details, I had the stomach bug.  I was ok as far as the sickness by the next morning but was still VERY couldn't get off the couch or bed for hours (which is NOT like me).  But about lunch time I went and picked up Brayden and Paige brought the girls home (with lunch in tow...what a great friend!).

The girls had a blast of course and I snapshotted these pics Paige took while they were there.  Glad they were having a good time because I clearly was not

So by Saturday afternoon I had to get out of the house but I knew we couldn't really "go" anywhere so we went to a playground around our house that nobody really goes to.  I let them play for hours while I made myself a little pallet to sit in the sun and read.  That is about all the energy I had.  Yea and that banana...didn't eat it. NO appetite..none.

Our neighbors ended up coming by and (after I quickly warned them not to get close to me because I had been sick), they offered to take my kids to their family belated Easter Egg Hunt they were having that night.  I said yes and was glad to come home and take a shower when I got a call saying Brayden wasn't feeling well.  UGH!

Yep so Brayden had a rough night and he too got sick.  Our weekend plans were clearly out the window and 3 kids were devastated (understandably so...I was disappointed to but we didn't want to share the germs).   So Sunday Brayden was feeling weak as I was but he bounced back a lot quicker than I did.  I decided to take them fishing at the nearby lake because again we were going crazy in these 4 walls!

So how does one tired momma survive this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad weekend?!  A mocha frappucino (yep...venti!) works every time...even with no appetite.  For the record I normally get a grande but after no appetite for going on 3 days I figured I could splurge!  And I drank every drop!
Whew...what a weekend.  Glad it is over and that the girls didn't end up getting it.  Being 5 days post-sickness and having cleaned our house completely, I hope our house is in the clear.

JUST IN TIME FOR DADDY TO COME HOME THIS AFTERNOON...isn't that the way it always works?! By the time you read this, we will be on our way to pick him up from the airport!

Either way I can not wait to hug and kiss that man...I have missed him terribly!

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