Friday, June 1, 2012

Oakley's Home Birth

I have been dying to post some pics I took a while back of a home birth I was privileged to photograph of one of my dear friends, Amy and Adam.  I was waiting on her to post them and publish the video and now that she has, I can share my experience with you! (I will share the video too at the end of the post.)

Let me begin by saying that it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to see.  I had all c-sections so to witness a birth naturally and at home was absolutely amazing.  For me it was such a God moment to see what a miracle a baby/birth truly is!  It is something I will not forget in years to come.  Thanks Amy for this honor and it was an absolute pleasure to be a part of your special day!

I had just driven 13 hours back from North Carolina the weekend I went to see Jay's cousin get married (hoping Amy didn't have Oakley while I was gone!).  We had been in the door maybe 30 minutes and gotten the kids bathed and in the bed and not a thing unpacked when I got the call at 9:30 p.m. that Amy's water had broken!

I knew it might be a long night but decided to go ahead and go to Amy's and maybe catch a snooze there before she progressed.  I got there about 10:00 p.m. or a little after and this is what she was doing....sitting on a birthing ball and skyping with Andrea (Adam's sister).  She was having contractions but not in much pain at all as you can tell.  One of the three midwives had already arrived and Adam had just gotten home from work. Her mom arrived maybe 15 minutes after this.

Last quick picture of Oakley before he was on the other side of the womb.  And as far as Amy was concerned, still not much pain but was headed to lay down to try to get some rest before things progressed.  Time...approximately 10:30

Amy and Adam had laid down on the bed for maybe 20 minutes or so and me, her mom and the midwife were in the den just talking (there was no resting for us...we were too anxious!).  Then, Adam comes into the den and says to Amy's mom, "She wants to hold your hand," and to the midwife, "She says you might want to come and check her, things just progressed quickly!"  So we all go running in there and the midwife confirmed that she was 4-5 centimeters dialated.  Amy said she wanted to go ahead and get in the bathtub since she was officially in "active labor."  Time...approximately 11:00-11:15 p.m.  Adam was so sweet and was by her side rubbing her back, holding her hand, or giving her water the entire time.

She stayed in the bath trying to get comfortable for maybe 10 minutes and was progressing quickly.  Before the midwives could even get ready and before they could even check her again, she was saying she needed to push!  It was confirmed she was a 10 and Oakley's head was already out and she hadn't even pushed yet!  She warned us she would have a quick delivery but none of us expected it that fast!!!!

Her sweet momma praying as he was arriving :)

And with one quick push Oakley made his arrival at 11:49 p.m. just barely on his sister Story's birthday!  And if you haven't done the math, yes her water had broken just 2 hours prior to this and an hour ago she was sitting on the birthing ball skyping!  It was FAST!!!!

Oakley's bed was waiting on a sweet bundle of joy!

Within just a few minutes of giving birth, Amy walked to her bed to enjoy her sweet newborn!  The first moments were just precious seeing her and Adam and Amy's mom (Dada) meet their precious Oakley.  These pictures speak for themselves :).

The midwives...the one in the middle didn't even make it for delivery it was so fast!

He officially weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and was 21 inches long.

It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever been a part of and before I left at around 2 a.m. (I had to work the next day!) I had to get some newborn cuddles!  It was so neat I feel like he is my little nephew or something!  I was one proud "Aunt!" :)

Amy did an absolutely amazing job!  Seriously if all births could be this easy, there would be alot more children in this world!  So proud of you Amy and so privileged to be a part of your special day!

Here is the video Amy and Adam put together in pictures of Oakley's birth.  I want to know if you can get through this post (or video) without crying as to what a miracle births are and how good God is!

Welcome to the world sweet Oakley Keith Burnett!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post. You remembered it all too well. I guess it's not something too quickly forgotten. I can't thank you enough, and probably will forever continue too, for capturing this moment for us! Your friendship is a blessing in more ways than one. Love ya!
