Saturday, June 2, 2012

Strep and the beach

For the past few nights, Lucy has been up at least 3 times a night which is not like her.  Sometimes she wakes up once to go to the bathroom but 3 is definitely not normal.  I felt like I had a newborn all over again and it was not fun.  She has bad eczema and was itching alot and some nights even with Benadryl she couldn't sleep.  One night the two of us stayed up until 3 a.m. when she finally went to sleep.  

Well yesterday when she woke up from her nap she had 102 fever so I immediately took her to a Lebonheur after hours clinic to see what was wrong because she was supposed to be leaving for the beach with Lolli the next day so I couldn't "wait it out." I thought she might have hand, foot and mouth because she has blisters on her hands and feet (which really is pretty normal with all her eczema) but within a minute the strep test was positive.  They gave her a pink popsicle which made everything all better!  We got her meds filled last night and she slept much better last night, not waking up once.  

As I sit here and type, all three of my kiddos are on the way to the beach with their Lolli for NINE days!  I plan on cleaning first and then relaxing and spending time with my hubby!  I have some books waiting on me too.  :)

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