Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fire and Water

We have been busy little bees at home lately.  Last night Jay and I decided to do some yard work and we STILL have leaves that we can't seem to get rid of months later.  And we have so many leaves that bagging them is not an option.  While I was raking flower beds and cleaning out the garage, Jay decided to just burn the leaves and you would have thought that Brayden had just been given a million dollars.  He was beyond excited and all he wanted to do was help Jay.  Even when Jay was finished and was cutting grass, Brayden kept tending to the fire.  He even at one time said to me, "Mom, take my picture because this is my first fire!"  He was sweating so bad but didn't care.  
Don't worry the fire wasn't big when we let him tend to it and he was supervised.

This morning the kids and I washed the van inside and out and the kids had fun playing in the waterhose.  I had some great "helpers."  They washed their bikes too.

After finishing the car, I took the kids for an afternoon swim.  When we got to the pool, there was a poor little mouse (YUCK!) swimming across the pool.  All Brayden kept saying was "COOL!  COOL!"  So he rescued it and then wanted to play with it!  I told him no but after a fighting it for a while, I just realized he is a boy and just let him while I was gagging in my mouth!  Yes, he was quite alive and kickin'.

Playing is always so much more fun when you have worked hard!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day except, for the mouse (I have phobia for them)
