Monday, June 4, 2012

Office redo

A special Happy Birthday today to my brother Jonathan!  We love you and wish we could see you today on your birthday!

I forgot to take pictures of the office a while back when I was doing remodeling of our room, kitchen etc. I also redid Jay's office but just forgot to post about it so here you go....

Jay had a really big desk that he bought when he was studying in seminary and needed alot of space but now doesn't need such a huge desk.

So I let him pick out the paint color and I painted it/remodeled it for him to have a "getaway" space.  It looks much better and has much more room.

He also had 4 bookshelves and we got rid of a bunch and he took some to his office at work and we narrowed it down to just two bookshelves.


  1. Yup! Good move in changing the desk! The shelf looks neat and the couch is just in the perfect place!
