Saturday, March 3, 2012

Paint colors

By request, here are some of the paint colors seen in the previous renovation posts...

I painted the same color in my kitchen and bedroom.  I had a vision of this color in my bedroom and had even bought a spray paint color to match it to but hadn't found the actual paint color yet.  I had several that were close but hadn't found a match yet.  I went to my friend Matt and Megan's house a couple of weeks ago and her kitchen was painted this color so I asked her for it.  She gave me the color name and I knew it was a perfect match to what I had in mind!  Thanks Megan B!

It is Lowe's Valspar paint Lake Country 5003-5C

My sunroom has 2 similar colors both Walmart's mid-grade paint by Better Homes and Garden.
The lighter color is "Artist's white clay" and the other paint can doesn't have a name on it.  It was on the same paint card just a few shades darker.  

Again, Artist's white clay from Better Homes and Gardens (Walmart)

Darker color in the sunroom stripes (don't know name of it) pooh!

Hope this helps!


  1. Love it all! The striped wall has to be my favorite but all your rooms are decorated well- cute ideas!
    Im a new follower :)

  2. Still would love to know where you found your white comforter.

  3. Girl, you have been so busy!!! Love all that you have done with the house - the kitchen looks so bright and fun :) I know you will enjoy it!
