Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Enjoying the sunshine with friends!

Since Spring is in the air (or summer since it's 85 today!), we have spent alot of time outside with our friends!

I saw somebody on a blog say this week, "You know you're a mom when you have a beautiful spring weed arrangement in your kitchen!"

So true...that same day this sweet boy had picked these beautiful weeds flowers for me.  I didn't have the heart to tell him so I of course said they were the most beautiful flowers I had ever been given and put them right in some water so we could sneeze admire them all day long!  :)

Landon often clings to me when it is time to go home but this particular day he was wrapping his legs and arms around me and grabbing me everywhere he could.  I was laughing so hard I was almost crying!  His sister took this pic because it was too priceless not to document ha!

Story's sister Meila...isn't she just adorable?!

Jake was proud of his "Thomas" shirt...he loves trains!

Haha makes me laugh...

This was an accidental pose but so cute!

"Look Mrs. Amanda...it s a caterpilllllllllar!"

Lucy brought her favorite baby out "john" and had to take him for a stroll.....

The day Lucy learned to rider her "bike"....

...and she was very proud as you can tell!

These two will have so much more fun when they can walk around and play with the big kids!  Right now they just sit, watch and look pretty stinkin' cute!

Just the TEN of us! :)

We love our friends! :)


  1. Beautiful day, beautiful azaleas, beautiful pics, beautiful kids!

  2. Wow, ten kids!!!!!

    Three are new to the crew, right?

    For sure they have lots of fun together.

  3. PS: Sorry, how is your schedule for the kids? If you have one.

  4. Oh Amanda! Your so brave. I can't say enough about how sweet you are to have the girls every now and then. They love being there! Your a doll and I'm so blessed to have your friendship!
