Thursday, June 23, 2011

Counting my blessings...

Yesterday we went with our friends' the Hansons to the Kids Film Fest in our area.  At our local movie theater on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., a kid's movie is shown and kids and adults get in for $2 and popcorn, movie and a coke for $2.50.  If you have alot of kids it can still get expensive with it being $4.50 a person (admission and snacks) and we certainly couldn't do it every week but it is a fun alternative to swimming.  Even Lulu came along and did great although the movie scared her a little bit.  Monsters vs. Aliens was playing and the monsters scared her some but it gave us some good cuddle time! :)  She just thinks she is a big kid these days (and sadly she kinda is)!  

I take her carseat in and she does great.  I have taken her to movies since she was born (really only a couple a year maybe) but she knows she has to sit in her seat and buckle up and then I get to enjoy the movie too!

Here are some of the kids....

Lolli and KK also came to the movie so we went out to eat at Chick-fil-a afterwards with them.  The kids had a blast and then we dropped Mari-Morgan off and played there for a few minutes before going home.  I tried to catch up on the house a little bit and for some reason my day went down hill after that.  

You ever had those days when you know you are in a bad mood and the fact that you can't change it, makes you in a worse mood?!?!  Well I was MOODY and I knew it and nothing I did seemed to make it better.  That frustrated me.  The kids were needy.  That frustrated me.  I still had to run that night.  That frustrated me.  My house was messy.  That frustrated me.  My floors were so dirty Karis asked me why our floor was sandy.  That REALLY frustrated me.  I didn't cook dinner.  That frustrated me.  I was behind on VBS stuff for next week.  That frustrated me. And the list goes on and on.  I was tired and knew that when the kids went to bed, I needed to too.  So I did. No t.v., no blogging, no reading, just shower and bed.

So when I woke up this morning, I knew I needed some SERIOUS time in God's Word.  So I did.  I needed Jesus in a major way.  It wasn't a magical formula but without a doubt God's word didn't come back void.  I am soooo thankful for that time and know that absolutely nothing else fills the void that He does.  I want and need so much more of Him.

Sorry for being so blah today but some days are just like that.  I'm real and far from perfect and we all have bad days.  Thanks for listening (or reading haha) and letting me be real when it's needed.  I know I am not alone.

I realize I have sooo much to be thankful for and need to count my blessings.  I have 3 beautiful children, and healthy ones too, an incredibly Godly husband (who happens to be very handsome) who loves me and the children with everything he is and leads our family in a way that pleases the Lord, a home that is a true blessing, food in the pantry, bills are paid and really no worries.

I mean how could this picture not make you smile....
 Lucy went and put on my headband and came in and said, "Look mom!  I did it all by myself!"  Aw...make my heart melt!

And I tear up when I look at these little blessings that the Lord has given me.  Man I have so much to be thankful for and absolutely not one reason to complain.  So today...God's mercies are new for me.  And I am claiming them with every ounce of me.  And I am thankful that He forgives me even when I act like a brat.

Today I took an easier day and tried to catch up a little bit which I knew would relieve some of my stress.  We went to Walmart this morning and got my VBS stuff and then we went to the park with the Tillmans.  It seems Paige had the same kind of day so we vented together and then we both felt much better.  I am so thankful for friends that I can be myself with even on those dark days.  Another reason to be thankful.

So today especially...I CHOOSE to count my blessings....all of them.  Tomorrow is going to be a great day...and I will rejoice in it.

"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"  Psalm 126:3


  1. Great post, Amanda! I have days like this, too, and good to know I'm not alone. Also, loved the link to motherhood as a mission field. Such truth! Really enjoy your blog.


  2. Great post.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
