Well my friends and I (Mary Beth and Amber) are over halfway through, the
Couch to 5K that is. We are one run away from beginning week 6 of week 9 and it has been a very rewarding experience. The runs have been hard but I have been very consistent, even running on vacation (in 100 degree temps in Arizona), determined to NOT give up or give in. I don't particularly like the running, but the rush I get afterwards far outweighs the grunts and pains of the actual run. I feel so good when I finish each day and have tons of energy for the rest of the day.
I understand some of you probably run a 5K on a daily basis (and poo-ey on you!) but for those non-runners (or moms of multiple children whom you exercise with), you might feel my pain. Actually, I used to be a runner before children. I ran track in high school and even ran for fun after that. However, my biggest struggle with exercising now is finding time and energy to do it WITH 3 children, including a 2 year old. We normally run around a track with a playground near my house, however while running, I usually pass by a kid panting, "Stop. (breathe!) that. (breathe) right. (breathe) nowwww." Lately as the runs have been getting longer, Jay has been kind to watch them some while I run so that I don't have them with me and can concentrate on my running.
For those that are interested in the program, here are the weekly runs (3X a week):
Week One: 5 minute brisk walk, 8 60 second runs with a 90 second break in between, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Two: 5 minute brisk walk, 6 90 second runs with 2 minute walk in-between, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Three: 5 minute brisk walk, 2 intervals of 90 second run, 90 second walk, 3 minute run, 3 minute walk, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Four: 5 minute brisk walk, 2 intervals of 3 minute run, 90 second walk, 5 minute run, 2.5 minute walk
Week Five, Day 1: 5 minute brisk walk, 3 intervals of 5 minute run and 3 minute walks, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Five, Day 2: 5 minute brisk walk, 2 intervals of 8 minute run and 5 minute walk, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Five, Day 3: 5 minute warm up, 20 minute run, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Six, Day 1: 5 minute brisk walk, 5 minute run, 3 minute walk, 8 minute run, 5 minute walk, 5 minute run, 5 minute cool down.
Week Six, Day 2: 5 minute warm up, 2 intervals of 10 minute runs and 3 minute walks, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Six, Day 3: 5 minute warm up, one 25 minute run, followed by a 5 minute cool down.
Week Seven: 5 minute warm up, 25 minute run, 5 minute cool down.
Week Eight: 5 minute warm up, 28 minute run, 5 minute cool down.
Week NINE!!!! 5 minute warm up, 30 minute run, 5 minute cool down.
I have officially registered for the
Avenue of Hope 5k in Carriage Crossing on August 6th and the
Labor Day Chick-fil-a 5K at Autozone Park on September 5th. I had to seal the deal so I wouldn't give up! Depending on if I live through this, starting immediately after my 9th week in Couch to 5K and these 2 5K's, I am considering
training for a half-marathon and running the
St. Jude Half Marathon. We'll see though....I have to make it through the big 20 minute run this Friday first haha! Anybody else interested in running either/both of these 5K's with me???? Pretty please?!?!?
OH and if I finish the Couch to 5K training, I am rewarding myself with some new running shoes. Mine are years old (and I got them at a yard sale!). By then, (so I tell myself), I will deserve them!!!
Changing gears....In addition to shaping the muscles, the Lord is working on my heart too. I have recently begun this new Bible study...
Beth Moore's David, Seeking a Heart Like His. It is kicking my tail. David is probably one of my favorite Bible characters. I felt like he was honest and real. He messed up BIG time but was quick to repent and truly seek after God. I, too, mess up alot and it helps to know that God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does expect an honest heart that is willing to admit mistakes and move past them to have a true, honest walk with Him. I have even been getting up early before the kids get up (6:00 a.m. coffee in hand) during the Summer break which is a true sacrifice and struggle I must sat but way worth it. It is the sweetest time of my day.

There is so much I could share but kids are calling and my time has come to a close. But my favorite part so far has been 1 Samuel 15:22 when Samuel said, "Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams." The sacrificial system (apology, amends of sin) was never intended to function in place of living an obedient life, but rather to be an expression of it. God desires our obedience rather than our disobedience followed by our sorrows and apologies simply because as the beginning of the verse states, God delights in it.
Worship should be the same. Not a time to make amends of what we have/haven't done, but a celebration or an expression of our personal time with Him. It is much sweeter and meaningful that way, TRUE worship of who He is and what He has done in our lives.
Our God deserves our praise, because He is worth everything we have to offer Him (and so much more). Take the time to spend precious moments with Him this week. Your heart, too, will be overflowing.
As the theme of my blog states, "Your love, oh Lord, is BETTER THAN LIFE." Psalm 63:3