It's been one of those weeks....busy, sickness, lots to do, lack of sleep, yet lots of good memories. I have just been trying to catch up, keep up and not get behind...hard to do sometimes. The weather has been gorgeous, I have wanted to spend my days outside although impossible most of the time. It's been a busy week for my hubby, therefore busy week for momma, especially when you have kids under the weather or fussy.
Monday night Brayden had his times as always. Then, when I got the call that my brother had some free club tickets to the Redbirds game, me and the big kids were "outta here!" and headed straight over. We had a blast and didn't leave the game until almost 10:00! I paid for it the next day!
This week, Karis spent lots of time dabbling in her art collection and making more art with playdoh...
We had a little visitor in our garage that was kinda cute...only because he was so little (was like an inch long). The only thing not so cute about it was that I knew he had a momma and a daddy close by. YUCK! We hope we don't see them!
Lucy has had another rough week. She was teething last week and was really clingy and 2 teeth came in. This week I think she is working on some more or they are really sensitive because three different times this week she has hit her mouth or bit something and her teeth have bled! She has also a few infected spots on her hand and I have had to drain them and medicate them. I know they were painful. Then, she had an allergic reaction and I don't know what from! This is a bad picture because I had to take it myself while holding her, but she was itching all over. She had a red rash and blotches all over her body. She had nothing new and didn't get into anything unfamiliar. I gave her some benadryl, it didn't touch it, and I had to give her another dose. After that, it cleared up and she was fine. I can not figure out what caused it...and that bothers me!
I cropped this picture so you can see Lucy's new tooth that came in last week (top right). You remember....the one she worked on for 3 LONG weeks?
After a couple of days of fussy Lucy again, the last few days she has been an angel...and OH SO MUCH FUN! She is doing new things and performing for us constantly! She is such a ham and a cuddle bug! She is doing and saying "yah" while clapping her hands, dancing away when she hears music, giving lots of kisses, giving "love-love" where she cuddles into your neck, fake laughing when she hears someone else laughing, screaming at the top of her lungs just for a reaction, and when she is into something she is not suppose to be, I will call her name..."Lucyyyyyy..." and she takes off as fast as she can while laughing! So glad she is feeling better!
Last night Jay had a meeting so I packed up the troops and we went grocery shopping (Aldis and Walmart). The kids were great but you moms know what grocery shopping with 3 kids is like. When we got home I had baths to give, hungry kids and lots of groceries to unload. So I let Lucy entertain herself with something she is normally not aloud to have. Ya do what you gotta do! She loves to get in the refrigerator and tries to pull things out. So I let her and this is what she pulled out. She has great taste I must add and a TRUE SOUTHERN GIRL!
Love this can see that tooth again!
This is a video of Lucy taking a bath (one of her favorite things) and she was giving her bath baby "love love." It was so cute!
Lucy giving Love-Love from Amanda Lemonds on Vimeo.
Do yall watch SURVIVOR? It was SOOOOO good last night! I have watched since Season 2 and last night's episode was probably the best one yet! I don't know how Russell does it and amazing move by Parvati! WOW what a shocker!
I am TERRIFIED of storms and have been since I was a kid. I am freaking out about the big storms coming through tonight and tomorrow! I think I can...I think I can...I think I strong and brave for my kids! I gotta go....I am going to get my closet ready!!!!!!!!
I love Survivor, too, and I've watched pretty much all the seasons. Last night about blew Christopher and I out of the water! It was a great show. I can't wait to see the "aftermath" next week! Fun pictures, Lucy is getting so big!