Just us, our sleeping bags, and pillows.
That's right, we camped out (well kinda). We have been talking about camping out for a while now because Jay and I both love to camp but we haven't done it since the kids were born. The kids know we usually do something special on Friday nights so tonight we told them we would be camping out on the trampoline! They were excited! The weather was gorgeous (just a little chilly but perfect cuddlin' weather) and the stars are SOOO bright in the country!
We told stories, talked, laughed, looked for shooting stars and then all fell asleep. We lasted for a few hours and then I had to come back in to check on Lucy (I did have the monitor outside so I could hear her) and then came the challenge...trying not to wake anyone else while getting off a bouncy trampoline. It was quite funny! Jay woke and we decided to go ahead and put kids in their beds.
It was pitch black outside so we couldn't tell what we were taking a pic of. The flash was super bright that is why B's eyes are closed haha.
Brayden tried to take pic of stars but of course it wouldn't take...not much to see in this picture. Some branches up above...
I love "makin' memories!" Someday I will give my right arm for them to still want to do things with us on a Friday night and to want to cuddle all night! Hangin' out with mom and dad CAN be alot of fun. I know...try convincing them of that 10 years from now!
But I'll enjoy it in the meantime...
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