Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Guess Who?

Has a new haircut....

....and a new tooth!  Applause please...she has been working HARD on this one for a LONG time!

Which now makes FOUR!

So she has been especially crabby the past couple of days...

...and had EVERYTHING in her mouth.  See?  (4, 396 things not pictured here)

But it's ok, because she has a really cute new outfit from her Lolli...

....and she has these.  I mean who needs just ONE when you can have THREE???

Despite that she has been fussy, she has managed to learn a few new tricks like STANDING ON HER OWN!  She hasn't managed taking a step yet but will pull up and let go and stand until she realizes it and panics!  Sorry no pic of that yet...I am working on that.  

Her daddy says she am a contortionist because she sit in all kinds of ways that look like they hurt...

And one more pic for the road...because she is so adorably cute!
She actually sat here for more than .5 seconds for me to take her picture because she was given the remote that she KNOWS she is not allowed to play with...rule breaker! Hey at this age I will do anything almost anything to get her picture!

She is growing, thriving, and bringing us incredible amounts of joy!  The Lord has been good to us!


  1. She's a doll!
    Before you mentioned the outfit, I was thinking, "that sure is a cute outfit!" HA! They grow so fast!

  2. Amanda,
    Yes, Edy is a chunk...I guess I just have big kiddos, AG was the same way. HA! Yes, I am nursing. Edy's only had breast milk so far...I'm pumping like a mad woman at work. Hate it, but worth it.
