Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Playground with friends, Brayden's deposit and baseball, and Lucy's cup

Wow it has been an interesting day to say the least!  It is Spring Break right?  Just checking because it was freezing outside today...again!  But we enjoyed the outdoors regardless.

Lolli, Nick and Timmy spent the night with us last night so the kids enjoyed a fun day playing with their buddies.  They played upstairs, played ball outside, jumped on the trampoline, played playstation, and we went to the playground.  I, on the other hand, mastered about 10 loads of laundry.  I hate laundry but love being caught up!



I did put Lucy down on the ground to crawl for about 2.1 seconds because I was tired of trying to keep her in my arms.  That girl wants DOWN to play!  

What's this face???


Karis and Timmy

The gang minus Lucy

My sweet  boy


Yea that same sweet boy you saw in the last picture is such a BOY!!!  It was all fun and games until I caught him doing THIS...


Unfortunately, this deposit was not made into either of our bank accounts!

Since we live out in the country, we do let B go "teetee" out in the yard. Although we have had to have the conversation with him that you can't just go ANYWHERE you want to.  So today he mentions to me that he needs to go so I tell him to run over to the fence and go there (I assumed he needed to go teetee...but I was oh so wrong!).   But it was too late and there was no turning back.  I will say he is getting good at this because this is the second time this week in 2 days he has done this!  And NO we don't allow this.  Yesterday we made him pick it up with his hands in order to deter him from doing it again.  However today it wasn't defiance as it was yesterday, today it was "there was no other choice!"

I think I have gray hair that I didn't have yesterday because of my son...sigh.

Lord give me strength!


On a happier and cleaner note, (I know...you're welcome)...Lucy drank from a cup today for the first time!!!!  Yah!  I have been trying to get her to for about a month or so and she has refused up until this point.  But tonight she drank about half of it and wore the other half.  She made a mess but practice makes perfect!


Brayden also is starting tee-ball this year and we are all so excited to see him have something that is all his own!  Karis has been in gymnastics for a couple of years and it hasn't been up until now that he has been able to get onto a team.  We have been talking about it for a few days now and he thinks he will be the pitcher.  I did mention that there is a coach and he needs to listen to that coach so that he can teach him about the game and how to work with a team.  I gave him the peptalk that he must obey the coach and be nice to his teammates or he will not be playing in the games.  He was excited about meeting Coach Thomas tonight!  When we got to the "meet and greet" the team meeting tonight, Brayden ran up to the coach without saying anything and hugged his legs and WOULD NOT let go!  It was so funny!  The coach replies, "Well HELLO!  I don't guess you are shy!  You must be Brayden!"

Oh my!  Our son has already made a name for himself and he hadn't even opened his mouth yet!  haha

Practice starts this week and games in a month or so...can't wait to see how he does!  He LOVES baseball!


Karis is at Mari-Morgan's birthday slumber party tonight so after the baseball meeting, Brayden, Lucy and I went to the grocery store.  I think I have a battery loose or something because my car wouldn't start THREE times today.  The first time Lolli jumped me off at home, Brayden coach helped me start it the second time (yes the coach he hugged 2 minutes before and wouldn't let go) and mentioned the battery looked loose, and then at Aldi's, it happened again!!!  A sweet, hispanic man graciously helped me this time and I was determined no matter how many more errands I had to run, I was headed HOME!  Jay had a full work day and 3 meetings tonight so I hated to bother him with all this, so I didn't even tell him until he got home.  I was very thankful I had several people help me out today when I was in a bind though!

WHEW!  I have had enough fun for one day...and I am exhausted!  My couch and The Biggest Loser is calling my name tonight!  I will sleep great tonight!

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