Friday, March 19, 2010


  For the last day of Spring Break we went to the local Riverpark with some of our friends because it was a PERFECT day outside!  It was gorgeous!  We had never been here before and it had some cool trails by the Mississippi River.  

The Museum (we didn't go to the museum part...just the free walking trails)

The Riverboat...maybe a dinner cruise someday with the hubs and friends???

This was just asking for a 3 year old boy to climb Brayden took the challenge!  haha

Lucy enjoying herself...oh and check out those top gums! She has been working on those teeth hard for a couple of days and they are red and swollen...ouch!

Me and my youngest



My "Care bear"

The boys waving to the barge....look out world these three are dan-ger-ous! 

Ellie was a good little helper...future babysitter???

The walking trails...

He loved getting to throw all the rocks and sticks that he could find into the river!

And so did they....

Crazy, silly girlies..


Somebody was worn slap out...

Just kiddin'!  Made ya look!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, I love your bangs, you look so cute! Glad ya'll are enjoying the warmer weather too! Hoping it stinks around for good! ;-)
