My favorite Bible that's on it's last leg page.
I always get very attached to my Bibles because they have so much history, dates of important events or when God spoke to me, my favorite scriptures underlined and highlighted, and I have an emotional connection with it.
But my current one is literally falling apart and I CAN'T part with it.
Soon after I got this particular Bible, Jay went to Zimbabwe, Africa and had it covered in buffalo skin. I LOVE IT!
It has notes written from 2 weeks after I got married.
On 6-25-03 I wrote "I pray that my home is a peaceful sanctuary-a source of contentment, acceptance, rejuvenation, nurturing, rest and love." Of course I still hope my home is that to my family today.
It also has a scripture from Student Life Youth Camp 2004....and so much more...including writing from my 3 year old who so graciously put his mark on it. And I love it because it adds to the character!
There are so many personal notes from the places and situations that God has brought me through and prayers for the future.
It is almost 8 years old which means since I have had this Bible, I have dated, engaged, and married my husband, as well as carried and had my 3 precious children.
Like I said, my fav Bible and I...we go WAY back.
My sweet hubby even got me a new one for Mother's Day last year and even arranged to send it with a team of short term missionaries to get it covered in animal skin (which I really love about my current Bible) and it wasn't finished before the team came home so it is STILL in Africa somewhere. I may or may not ever see it again. Maybe at least someone out there is reading it. You never know, someone may come to know the Lord through my new Bible that is still there. And that would be SOOO worth it!
SO for now, I will continue to bond with my torn, tattered, falling apart, Bible full of character. Because it IS one of my most prized possessions...for oh so many reasons.
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