Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lucy is 6 months old!!!

Lucy is officially six months old and has brought so much joy to our lives. She gets to be more fun each day and we are enjoying each new milestone and not rushing anything. We are in no hurry for her to grow up which is a different outlook than I had with the other two. I wanted Karis and Brayden to hurry up and do the "next" thing. Lucy being our 3rd and last, we are savoring every second and don't want to miss a moment. She is truly a joy!

These pictures are getting harder and harder to take. Pretty soon she will not only be looking at the sign but trying to eat it...haha

Lucy at 6 months, you...
  • smile ALL the time
  • love to give kisses (a.k.a. attack the face!)
  • sleep about 9 hours at night (8-5)
  • LOVE food; you eat food 2-3 times a day usually and would eat it every meal if I would let you (you especially like peas and green beans mixed with prunes or sweet potatoes and you love your fruit...any of it)
  • schedule: 5:30-nurse and go back to sleep; 7:30-get up and play; 8-30 eat 2 jars of food mixed with cereal; 9:30-nurse then nap until about 12:30; 12:30-get up and play; 3:00-nurse then play; nap before dinner; 5:00-eat food mixed with cereal then play until about 7:00; 7:00-go to bed; 9:00-nurse and go right back to sleep
  • growing out of the swing and love the bumbo, the exercauser and johnny jump-up
  • can get your paci by yourself most of the time (except when you are on your back) and momma loves it
  • can roll from stomach to back but not from back to stomach (I can't wait until she does so momma doesn't have to keep rolling you back over)
  • love your brother and sister you laugh at them all the time
  • have eyes for your daddy!
  • have not spent the night away from home yet but soon
  • are not sitting up yet
  • We love you so much!

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