Sunday, November 29, 2009

Picture addict

12-1-09 Update...problem fixed. Blog updates below.

Ok...I have a problem. I am a picture addict apparently. I have SOOOO much blogging to do and tried to catch up last night when google sent me a message that I had used up my allowable space for pictures and I had to either delete some, buy more or start a new blog. I didn't want to delete because this is my children's history/baby book/journal and I don't want to delete any of it. I certainly don't want to start a new blog because I am going on 4 years of this one and don't want to start over. SO...I purchased 20 GB of space for only $5. But it takes 24 hours to reflect on the blog so I haven't been able to catch up today. I should be back up and running by tonight so expect lots of blogging catch-up in the next few days. Yep...I am an official pic addict!

Someday my family will thank me!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Date night

So Saturday night Karis and Brayden were headed to stay a couple of days with Lolli and we decided at the last minute that Lucy would go too. We quickly got her things together and it didn't take long for the tears to roll down my face. This was her first night away from me! I had mixed emotions and was sad to be away from her but so excited about the date night with my husband. We have been on dates in the last 6 months but we took Lucy with us (because I am still nursing her). She is never a bother because she is the best baby I have ever seen (and she can't talk back nor do I have to cut up food for her haha) but it still isn't the same.

This is her and Lolli right before they left. Can you see the excitement in Lolli's face??? It was like I had just given her the best Christmas gift ever!

Jay and I on our date!

We went and ate sushi (our favorite)....

And then we went to see The Blind Side! I know most of you have seen it already but we don't go to movies very often. In fact it has been almost a year since we have seen a movie in the theater and this was one of my all time favorite movies! I liked it almost as much as Fireproof and will definitely own it when it comes out!

After watching this movie it was cool to watch him play football on t.v. It felt almost as if I knew him haha!

Thanks Lolli for the night without kids so I could spend time with my hubby. It was much needed time! I know you had just as much fun as we did!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Tree 2009

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is to put up the Christmas tree. It was always a tradition for my family growing up to decorate it together and it is something I always wanted to continue with my own family. It always brings tears to my eyes to see their excitement. If it were up to me I would put up the tree in October but Jay isn't quite fond of that idea. He makes fun every year that I put it up earlier and earlier but this time, to his surprise, I waited until after Thanksgiving!

This post might be boring to some of you but I wanted to be very specific about our tree this year so that someday I might look back and remember what it looked like when the kids were young. I know over the years things change, ornaments break, ornaments are added and trees break and are replaced.

Our tree was given to us the first year we were married by a couple from church, the Dungers. That year they just happened to be getting a new tree so they donated their old one to us, a newly married couple without a tree. There isn't a year that goes by that I don't think of that sweet couple and am thankful they contributed to our many Christmas memories.

The kids helping me decorate the tree...

You know how every tree has those basic filler ornaments that fill the tree and then there are those special, one occasion ornaments. The silver ornaments are all some fillers that I purchased at the after Christmas sales at Pottery Barn (Christmas tree and snowflake) and Oriental Trading (the glass balls). I have at least a dozen of all of them. The zebra came from our favorite mission trip together, Kenya, Africa in January 08.

The theme for my tree has remained snowflakes and snowmen with the primary colors being red, green and silver. This below were both gifts to us from some dear friends.

Brayden made this ornament below last Christmas and he is helping me put it on the tree...

The gingerbread roller was given to us by the Gradys in 2004. They were our neighbors in Seminary housing when we married. The ball was from our good friends the Tillmans in 2007.

Karis made this wreath ornament and the snowflake was one I purchased that first year at the after Christmas sales...

This ornament was given to us for Karis the year she was born and this is her first Christmas picture. She looks alot like Lucy don't you think?

More snowflakes...originals from 2003.

The bear was also from Karis' first Christmas and the ice cream cone was from a student one of my first years teaching.

The teacher ornament given to me my 1st year teaching by Kelsey Schwartz...still remember getting it. And Karis is putting her ornaments on...

The wedding girl was given to us by his sister in 2003 when we married. The silver ornament is one of my favorites but have no idea where it came from!

Last touches to the tree...

This is one of Jay's 2 contributions to decorating....putting the bow on top and bringing down the decorations from the attic!

This is obviously not all the ornaments but I just wanted to highlight some of our favs!

Sibling early proposal

Karis and Brayden wanted to have their buddies, Ellie and Ethan (brother and sister) over for a sleepover. Brayden hasn't ever had anybody over to spend the night (without their parent) and Karis and Ellie are always up for a sleepover! The group had a great time and actually played together almost the whole time.

This is movie time before bed, complete with lots of popcorn! I think they were watching Hotel for Dogs.

Karis and Ellie

Brayden and Ethan (this was Ethan's first sleepover!)

Oh and a funny story from the evening...
Ethan has been saying for years that he was going to marry Karis and of course Karis says she is never getting married so it is not consentual at this point..haha. But I happened to ask Ethan at some point in the evening who he was going to marry someday. With a grin, he said "Karis." So I told him he needed to ask her daddy's permission if he could marry her. So he goes up to Jay and says, "I am going to marry Karis." No question...just a fact I guess! So we will see....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lucy's first TWO teeth

As you know Lucy was born on Mother's Day and this Thanksgiving we discovered that she had not only her first tooth but her second tooth as well. The bottom right came in first and bottom left second. I took a picture but really you can't see them yet, just feel them and see them if you look really close. It seems she likes holidays...maybe she will start crawling on Christmas Day!

Thanksgiving Day

Today we woke up with great anticipation of what the day would bring and thankful for so many things! The Lord has truly blessed me and today, like every day, I recognized that no gift He has given me, have I deserved. I am thankful for His mercy and grace and the privilege of being a child of the King. I am thankful that not only God called me but allows me to have a relationship with Him. There is nothing I will ever be more grateful for. Other things that I am especially thankful for today are my husband, 3 healthy, beautiful children, a supportive family, a mom and dad that raised me to love the Lord and supported us in everything we ever did, a job to pay the bills and an incredible church family that truly is a family to us. Thank you Lord for your continued blessings in my life.

The kids were very excited about the Macy's parade coming on tv but the first thing Brayden asked for was his "friend" Scout. They were excited about playing together can you tell???

My hubby, the handsome turkey smoker (man it was the best turkey I have ever eaten...not just cause he cooked it)! SOOO good!

Momma's boy

Then we headed over to Grandmother's to see the whole family and eat lunch. The food was incredible as always...the best food I have had since last Thanksgiving no joke! This is the kids table...they both had to sit by Scout of course!

My girls

The "young" table
L to R Jay's cousin Matt and his girlfriend Abby, Jay, Nicole (Jay's sister) and her husband Craig (Scout's parents), then Jessica (Jay's sister) and her boyfriend Nathan

On the other end of the table was me and then Jay's cousin Scott and his wife Emily (I don't really know how Jay and I got split up but oh well)

The "wise" table
Grandmother and Lucy

L to R Grandmother Lucy and baby Lucy, Jay's mom Cindy, Grandmother Sheehy (Kevin's mom), Jay's stepdad Kevin, Uncle Haha (Hudson) and Aunt Juju (Judy) and Pinto (Jay's grandad...Karis gave him that name when she was little)

The wisest of us all Grandmother Lucy and Granddaddy Pinto

Nonnie getting some Lucy snuggles

Lucy reaching for Pinto...

Jessica and Nathan

Soon Jay's grandparents will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary so we surprised them with a small party to honor them. Each couple gave them a framed family picture and an ornament to represent their family for them to put on their Christmas tree. They were so surprised! They are such an incredible model of a marriage for us all to follow...I mean seriously...60 years!!!! Jay and I have been married SIX!

This Christmas platter we all signed...

Grandmother and Grandaddy with their two girls, Aunt Juju and Nonnie

Early afternoon we headed out to come to see my family at my parent's house. I got to meet my new little cousin Sarah Jane...isn't she precious? This is her and her dad Danny (my cousin)...

Our friends Ryan and Debbie came over to my parent's house to spend the day with us because all of their family lives out of town. This is their littlest daughter Addy who is 2 months older than Lucy...

My cousin Amy (my hairstylist) and Sarah Jane

Ryan with his two girls Kinsley and Addy...I think he was scheming with Brayden here!

My kids with their great-grandmother (my dad's mom)...she is 90!

My dad and his 2 sisters with their mom (his sister Pat passed away suddenly just a couple of months ago...this was their first picture and holiday without her)..

Lucy kissin' on Karis....she does this ALL the time!

Oh this is right after we found out that Lucy had cut her first TWO teeth today on Thanksgiving to come on that later.

The evening consisted of great family, wonderful food and the men enjoyed their share of football too! Don't you love this lovesac that Jay is laying on??? My mom got it at a yard sale and it is the most comfortable thing ever!

My brother Jonathan got Lucy laughing here and it is so cute...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope yours was as wonderful as ours!