Sunday, July 29, 2012

Meeting baby C

I've mentioned on the 'ole blog before that my brother Matt shares a birthday with my oldest daughter Karis.  Matt was always so sweet about sharing his day with his niece and I got to return the favor.  :)

Friday night, my 33rd birthday, while I was packing up to come home from Florida and watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, my brother and his wife Tiffany were bringing home their very first foster baby, what I will call "Baby C."  His Facebook status read....

So now my 33rd birthday will be his "Gotcha" day for his first foster baby!  I will be glad to share my day!

I will let her tell the story from her blog because she tells it much better than I would, however when we got home from vacation, going to meet "Baby C" was at the top of my list.

So Sunday after church, I couldn't wait to come and meet my new foster niece!!!!

She is a week old today and a teensy weensy 6 lbs.  And SOOOO sweet!
***And because she is a foster baby and is in state custody, I have to post "appropriate" pictures meaning no face pictures.  Some have been blurred to protect Baby C.

We were fighting over who got to hold her!

Look at all that hair!!!!

Brayden was laughing here because while he was holding her, she was LOUDLY tooting on him!

One proud Lolli :)

Can't wait to love on Baby C again!  

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