Wednesday, February 22, 2012

MIA and Chaos

I am not, even though it may appear that way.  I know it isn't like me to be gone for a week on the 'ole blog, but I have been beyond busy (pressure I put on myself).

But before I explain, I had to post this more precious than words photo....
Seriously, be still my heart.

Ok so back to my reality right now...I am on a home renovation kick.  Our house needed it and I finally gave in.  Since last Friday I have painted our sunroom, entryway, den, kitchen, and Jay's office.  Also, I have decided to take on something I have wanted to do since we moved into this house 6 years ago...refinishing my kitchen cabinets.  Of course later I will have before and after pics but want to save those for that time.  I am currently on day 4 of a 10-14 day project and it is monotonous and time consuming but hopefully the finished product will be worth it! So I have spent very little time on the internet and my spare time is spent on my cabinets or with my family.

The other day when we were painting Jay's office, we let the kids write on the wall before I painted.  Karis wrote the sweetest thing on the wall.  You can't see it very good but I had to take a pic of it anyway.  It reads,
"I love my family so much I code squees them so hard they codend breth"
Translation: "I love my family so much I could squeeze them so hard they couldn't breathe! haha :)

Currently we are living in a world of chaos and kitchen cabinets....

The chaos is absolutely killin' me and the organization freak in me is having convulsions.  But we will get through this and will be so glad to see the final product!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so busy making changes around the house.

    Can't wait to see the final project.

    Have fun.
