"He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him; and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
Happy Good Friday everyone! It was indeed a good Friday years ago when Jesus, although innocent, willingly chose to die a criminal death for those who deserved every bit of the agony, you and I. Although it must have been a sad day for those who loved Him, Sunday was just around the corner. And without Friday, Sunday could not come. SO for that reason, I am thankful Good Friday exists!
This morning my sweet hubby let me sleep in until 8:00 (and that is LATE for me) and we relaxed for most of the morning. Lately, Lucy wants to watch her Jesus video ALL day long. We are stinkin' tired of it although it is a wonderful video and it is nothing but scripture. So we rigged her up in her room and she loves it! I hear her in there singing her Bible verses and saying, "I trust you Jesus!" It melts my heart!
The kiddos played with toys for a while...
After lunch, I got the kiddos dressed up in their Easter outfits and took an hour or so and went to town to attempt pics of them. I always try to get some Easter morning pics but it is always so rushed, so I wanted some before Sunday morning. Here is a sneak peek of the MANY more to come tomorrow.
On the way home we stopped by some goats to let the kids see them. Lucy wanted NO part of getting close to them or off my hip but enjoyed them nonetheless.
You can tell by Karis' face below that the smell was LOVE-LY! Ha!
When we got home, our friend and one of Jay's co-workers (Mr. Joe) brought little Easter bags over for the kids. They acted like it was Christmas morning they were so excited. It was full of goodies! It was so sweet of them!
While Lucy napped, Karis and I had girl bonding time doing manis and pedis while the boys went fishing. Tonight, we went out to eat at Red Lobster. The kids love going there to see the live lobsters!
Then we went to our church's Good Friday family service. It was a very quiet and reverent time to spend with family to meditate on what today represents. They had music playing in the background, a Jesus slideshow going on the screens, and families were praying. Every time Lucy saw Jesus on the screen, she would scream and point, "JESUS!" :) It was a very special reflection time!
On our way home we stopped by the "Dip" and got some very yummy ice cream until it started melting everywhere. It was quite the mess! See....
It was a great day! Looking forward to more family time tomorrow and celebration of the Easter to come!
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