I don't remember how much I have mentioned on the blog about our church, but today was an important, special day.
We had the privilege of helping start our church in October of 2006. We had a core group of 8 people (4 couples: Jay and I, Brad and Cherie, Sue and Terry, and Guy and Theresa) and began meeting in our living room in our current house. A few months later we hired a pastor (Brian) and his wife became a dear friend (Paige) and has been ever since. Months later we began meeting in a middle school cafeteria and had nursery in the library. After a few years, we moved locations into the city into our current location (renovated fitness building) but we have since outgrown it. We have been running 2 services for over 2 years in this location. Several months ago we bought part of a warehouse building and there has been renovations going on ever since to get it ready for move-in day. Well today was our last day in this building because next Sunday, Palm Sunday, we will have our first service at our new building, with everyone in ONE service and it will be an amazing sight, just in time to celebrate Easter together!
It is bitter sweet for us. Honestly I have so many memories in this building that it is a sentimental place for me. Jay was ordained, it was Lucy's first nursery, the only church that Brayden remembers (he was 4 months and Karis was 2 when we started Riverbend), the kids' first VBS, Christmas shoeboxes, the Lord's Supper, Women's bible studies, a nursery that I assembled, the sending off of some dear missionary friends, and so many GOD moments that I will never forget. It will be sad to leave there but I know it is just a building and the church is going with us. I am SOOO excited about having one service, a new BIGGER building, and to see what God will do through our amazing staff, the incredible people and friends, and new people that God will bring our way. I do LOVE my church and it is so special to us. It has been neat over the past 5 years to see how God has evolved 8 people, willing to step out on faith, to a growing congregation who love the Lord. Looking forward to this Sunday! I get emotional just thinking about it! :)
This afternoon, we went to Axton's 2nd birthday party. The kids love Axton and were counting down the minutes until we could go. This is Axton and his mom, Destin.
The b-day boy
They had sprinklers set up all over the place and a slip-n-slide so the kids had a ball!
We had grilled hot dogs, chips and rotel...
Lucy's favorite was the water guns!
Karis and Ellie...
Eli was oblivious he had a ladybug on his face haha!
Cupcake time!
Axton didn't care anything about blowing out his candle, he just wanted the big spongebob on his cake!
Happy 2nd Bday Axton! We love you!
After the birthday party we went straight to small group (after changing clothes of course). It is always so refreshing to be with my small group...I love it so much. Another reason why I love my church. It is a place to be honest, share struggles, highs or lows, and just to fellowship with one another. We got home about 8:30, took baths and we all crashed! It was a fun, but busy weekend. I DREAD the work that awaits me on Monday morning! But it was all worth it! ;)
Oh and today Lucy is 23 months old! In just 1 short month my baby will be TWO!
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