Thursday, July 30, 2009

Check out the new look!

I have gotten nothing, nada, zilch done today....EXCEPT I have redesigned my blog because it needed updating since Lucy joined our family. So what do you think???

I gotta run so I can vacuum, dust, exercise, take a shower, go to the grocery store, cook dinner, sweep, mop, wash, dry and fold clothes go play some more!


  1. Your Blog looks great! The little ones are growing so fast!

  2. the new blog looks great. You did such a good job, not just on the blog, but in making my grandbabies. They look beautiful.

  3. I have the same background! Love the header!

  4. i love your blog. i just recently made one so that way my parents, family friends, and adults at my church can read it and keep up with me during college. After I saw yours i used the same "cutest blog on the block" to do mine! :]

  5. Love the new look! We have been out of town due to an unexpected death in our family but we are back now! We need to play soon!
