Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Best Mother's Day I could ask for...

This Mother's Day will be a day I will never forget.  My family woke me up on Sunday with my Mother's Day card and gifts and it was already a great day.  Soon after, I started having contractions that were 5-10 minutes apart; however we went to church anyway, not knowing whether or not they would continue...I had had several days of contractions in the last week or so.  After church we were eating lunch at home and the contractions started to intensify and we were trying to make a decision whether or not to go to the hospital.  About 3:00 we decided to go ahead and go because they were getting more and more regular and more intense each time.  We packed our things in the car and got the kids up from their naps and quickly headed out.
 We got to the hospital, checked in, they hooked me up to all the machines and started an IV and then came in and told me that the doctor wanted to give me a bag of IV fluids to try and sto the contractions and wanted me to wait 36 hours until my scheduled C-section.  I know one not mess with a pregnant lady in labor!  I was FURIOUS but maintained my sanity...but inside I was fuming!  I obliged and after the fluids were in, my contractions had NOT eased up so they came in at 6:30 and said, "You are having a baby at 7:30 tonight!"  I was so excited they weren't sending me home and couldn't believe I would have a baby in an hour!  We started calling and texting family and friends so everyone could get there in time.  The nerves started and I was a little (ok alot) nervous but was so excited to finally be having a baby!

In between contractions after they told me we were about to have a baby...

Happy daddy (in some really sexy clothes)...

Mom and dad within minutes before meeting our little one....

The surgery has begun...

AND....I hear the doctor say, "You said your other babies were 7 lbs. right?  OH MY GOODNESS...this one is going to be bigger!!!  Look at all that hair! ITS A....GIRL!"   All I knew to do at that point was scream...I was shocked!  We all honestly KNEW in our hearts it was a boy but we were all shocked!  This beautiful girl that entered our lives today would forever change us...we named her Lucy Madison Lemonds.  Lucy is Jay's maternal grandmother's name and Karis chose Madison.

Look at this big girl...I couldn't wait to see how much she weighed!

She was crying and Jay brought her over to me and when I began talking to her, she instantly hushed.  HOW NEAT! A baby knows it's mommas voice!

BIG GIRL!  9 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long!  How did this big girl fit in my stomach?????

Daddy putting on her first diaper....

They're checking her over..and she is not too fond of it...

We left the OR and headed to recovery where I nursed her for the first time and then around 11:00 we FINALLY made it to a room and our family and friends got to come in and see her for the first time....

Seeing my 2nd born for the first time...he is no longer the baby!  He was just as excited to see me!

Proud Daddy and his 2nd little princess...

Karis loved and kissed on her...

Typical Brayden...this picture is priceless...

Getting her first bath...
WOW what an amazing Mother's Day!  

I have a ton of pics and lots more to update and am trying to catch up.  Be checking back for updates because there will be lots of updating and LOTS of pics of our sweet angel!

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