Saturday, May 16, 2009

Family, Friends, Fun, and Firsts

Adjusting to life with 3 children has been wonderful and not really all that different actually.  I am recovering quickly and almost feeling normal again.  We have had lots of family and friends visit and have been enjoying alot of firsts with our sweet 3rd born.

First prayer time before bed with Lucy 

Lucy sleeps most of the day and spends lots of time in a life!

Mari-Morgan and Paige came to visit and the girls were such helpers taking care of Lucy...

Mrs. Paige is getting baby fever....

Lolli has given all the 3 kids their first bath at home.  This is Lucy's first bath...

Nothin' like a clean baby!

My precious little angel...

Lucy likes Aunt Paige...

The little helpers again

Lucy's first outing, the playground...4 days old.

Lolli baked alphabet cookies with Karis and they were delicious!

Karis helped change a was just wet of course.

Daddy and all 3 kids...a lap full!
This season of life is wonderful...I am so thankful for the blessings the Lord has given us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Goodness Amanda. She is just precious! And such a big girl--how did you manage that?!
    I'm glad all went well for you. I hope my L&D (and recovery) goes just as well!
    Take care.
