Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thank God for family!

I wouldn't have been able to make it this last week without my sweet momma!  She came home with us from the hospital and has been instrumental in taking care of my 2 big kids while I settled in with Lucy. Pop and Allen also came for the weekend and they have all gone home tonight and we were so sad to see them leave!  Thanks Lolli for all your help..we couldn't have done it without you.

Pop hanging out with Lucy

Brayden holding Lucy

Pop showing Brayden pictures on his computer

Me and Lucy (4 days old)

Karis loving on her little sis

Allen and Lucy

Brayden carrying around a frog in his belt pack...GROSS!  He is such a boy!

Karis and Lucy

Brayden wearing Lolli's glasses

Lolli and Lucy

Karis showing her name to Lolli

She's awake!

Lolli and Lucy

Lolli and my 3 kids

Karis leaned over to kiss Lucy and Lucy turned towards her!  How sweet!

It sure has been a fun week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, loving all of these Lucy pics!! She is so sweet! And I love, love, love the name. Many blessings to all ~

