Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kids say the darndest things!

Jay and I laughed tonight harder and longer than we have in a VERY long time.  We let Karis stay up later tonight than normal so she could watch American Idol.  She loves that show (as do I)!  Anyway her favorite this season is Scott because he is blind.  She thinks that is very interesting and obviously seems to remember him.  Anyway, if you watched tonight's show you will understand which scene I am talking about.  At the end, 2 guys were standing at the front of the stage and one of them was about to find out it was the end of the road for them.  The two guys were named ANOOP and JORGE...both funny names to her.  Jay and I were predicting Jorge would go home and she predicted Anoop.  Then they announced that Jorge would go home and he sang for the last time.  All of a sudden, she says, "Mom, why did his mommy and daddy name him WHOREHEAD?"  Of course she had no idea what she was saying and has NEVER heard this word before....but Jay and I began uncontrollably laughing and could not stop.  She could not understand why we were laughing so hard and we couldn't stop long enough to TRY to explain that it was just a funny name.  About the time we started to catch our breath, she would say it again and then we would lose it again. say the darndest things!

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