Sunday, May 18, 2008

My little baby boy

Having a sick child brings out the best and worst of moms and kids I am convinced. Brayden has been sick the past 3 days and it has been the best and worst of times. For those that did not read an earlier post, Brayden had pink eye, an ear infection, and had 5 shots while at the doctor. His pink eye (which he originally went to the doctor for) is now long gone, no sign of it. However the shots he got while there have given him fever for 2 days now and his asthma is acting up for whatever reason. So we are giving treatments every 4 hours (along with motrin for the fever and pain) including night time. I am exhausted beyond words yet something has hit me.

My little baby boy is no longer a baby anymore. He has grown up so much in the past couple of months that I haven't even realized it until the past couple of days. Being sick he has returned to some of his "babylike" ways and I have enjoyed it so much. When he is not whining...he has been the sweetest, gentlest little angel. He wants me to hold him and rock him to sleep, which I have done because those are few and far between, and he has been so loving. Just this morning the two of us were home alone (Jay and Karis were at church) and he was just laying back in my arms, staring and grinning at me for the longest time. He wouldn't take his eyes off of me (or me him). Then a few minutes later, I was sitting in the floor with him and he just kept reaching his arms out for me, hugging me and then would do it over and over for the longest time. The past couple of days I have been calling him momma's baby and today he crawled up in my lap and said, "momma's baby." I melted! At the doctor on Friday, he kept saying, "HOLD JU!" The doctor said, "You better do that as long as you can because one day they will be 10 and they won't let you do that anymore." I don't know where time goes but I know it has flown. I am relishing every moment...because one day I won't be the hero anymore. However, no matter how "big" he gets, he will always be my baby.

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