Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A life begins at conception

The Lord has really spoke to me in the past week about what a blessing it is to be able to conceive, carry and deliver a miracle.  Partially the timing is because of the new little one that I carry inside of me.  Also recently I have watched the birth video of Karis being born and I cried ALL the way through it (and for the remainder of the day) because I realize how time has flown by SOOOO fast and I sure don't want to wish it away or miss a moment of it.  I had simply "forgotten" how amazing it is to see your child for the first time and that sudden realization that it is only by the grace of God that the baby was conceived, that a human body can carry another, and that the baby is made so perfectly that it just "knows what to do" when brought into this world.  Also timing is perfect with the upcoming election and my hard-core stance of pro-life on the issue of abortion.  How can anyone decide to "murder" such a miracle?  I don't see "their" stance at all!  

Below is a video (Part 1-9 minutes Part-2-5 minutes) of a girl named Gianna Jessen who when her mom was told at 7 months pregnant that she would deliver a Cerebal Palsy baby, she attempted to abort the baby.  However, she SURVIVED the abortion and lives to tell about it.   Her abortioner then in turn had to sign her birth certificate!!!  She is a very strong believer in Jesus Christ and unashamedly admits it.    The last video is her interview with Hannity and Colmes which is also worth watching.  


  1. It rips my heart out to know that someone can go through with an abortion. I just don't understand how someone can hurt a child so helpless and so tiny. I almost cry thinking about it everytime. It is a miracle and blessing to conceive and carry a child. I pray that all goes well with your new little one!

  2. wow! Thanks for posting those. I used to work at a center for post-abortive women and/or abortion minded women. These are great videos reminding us of the santity of life! Thanks again.

  3. I do not understand how anyone can abort a precious little gift from God. I don't know how they rationalize that a baby is not a living being from conception. What really amazing me is how there are places that will abort babies well into the 2nd trimester and some even the 3rd. Mitchell was born at 24 weeks and look at him now, 21 and in college. I don't understand the way some of the world thinks.
    Every child is a precious gift from God and we should treasure the time He has given us to raise them. They do grow up so fast, I can't believe Mitchell is in college it just seems like yesterday he started kindergarten.
    Thank you for the videos.

