Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dress up day at school

Wednesday at school the kids had their "Halloween day" and they were able to dress up and got to "trick-or-treat" (I hate that word) to each of the classrooms.  They had a ball of course and brought home lots of candy (oh boy!) that we will definitely eat OVER TIME!  Karis has had to dress up 3 times already and each time she has chosen a different "Princess" dress with shoes and accessories (that we already had at home in her "dress up" stash).  Brayden had a cute lion costume but refuses to wear it.  SO...he is a baseball player (which is his usual attire) but he was happy with it, so we went with it.  Maybe next year...

Notice Brayden's fingers here....he has started crossing them like this for some reason.  Not really sure why but this is the first picture I have actually caught him doing it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mom update

Well mom had her surgery yesterday and everything went smoothly.  She was there by 5:30 a.m. and was out of there by 11:30 a.m.  She even called me not long after it was over to let me know she was ok.  She slept most of the day yesterday I think and only had the "dry heaves" once.  They told her she would experience some stomach spasms but has yet to be sick and she said it hasn't been bad at all!  She keeps crossing her fingers hoping that the worst is not yet to come and she hasn't spoken too soon.  Her friends, Karen and Stephanie, on the other hand, have been sick a few times and aren't taking it so well.  Hopefully the worst of theirs is over as well and it will be uphill from now on out.  They still are on a liquid diet for 2 more weeks so I think they are quite hungry but I am sure they would rather be hungry than sick.  Keep checking Stephanie's blog because I am sure once there is an will be quite amusing!

Surprise Package...

Yesterday we got a surprise package from Pap and Roxie with LOTS of goodies in it.  It was a huge box with clothes for the kids, some Polo shirts for Jay and some maternity clothes for me (which I will need very soon).  Also there were shoes for both of the kids, lots of toys, some pj's, and some other goodies.  It was like Christmas morning for the kids...they had so much fun going through all of it.  The kids stuff was all wrapped and color coded so Karis was getting stuff out and handing it to whoever it belonged.  

Brayden in his new Elmo pj's and his new tractors (he has wanted to sleep with them...and they do make LOUD noises).

Karis in her new ballerina outfit... 

...and her new Madame Alexander doll (she adores this thing).
Thanks Pap and Roxie!  It was so kind of you to think of us!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Painting Pumpkins

Today at school the kids got to paint pumpkins and they were so very proud of them.  Here is pictures of their first painted pumpkins!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carrie Underwood Concert

For my birthday back in July, my brother Allen gave me tickets to the Carrie Underwood concert.  I have been so excited about this concert!   Although I don't listen to country, I really started liking her when she was on American Idol (one of my favorite shows) and Jay has bought me several of her CD's.  

Me and Allen before the concert

Little Big Town opened for Carrie.  No, I am old and hadn't heard of them.  I don't ever listen to the radio and most of the time my music consists of Contemporary Christian and toddler tunes.  But I did like them!

Then it was time for Carrie!  She put on a great concert!

Thanks Allen!  That was a very thoughtful birthday gift!  I enjoyed hangin with ya at the concert!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Carlee's 4th Birthday Party

Carlee celebrated her 4th birthday party this afternoon and we got to join in the fun!  Karis met Carlee this year in gymnastics class.  Her party was at Jump in Olive Branch.

Karis and Carlee taking a break

The birthday girl opening presents

Karis and Mari-Morgan 

The girls...check out this awesome cake!

Brayden in his own little world with his Capri-sun

Happy Birthday Carlee!

Visit with Michelle and Aiden

This morning we drove to Bartlett to see one of my best friends, Michelle Hardee Gilmore.  She and I go way back to 4th grade when she moved in to my neighborhood and we instantly became friends.  Over the years we have gone to the same church and school growing up, lived in each other's neighborhood through high school, all youth trips during the summers (probably 25 or more), went on several choir trips together, cheered on the same squad for several years,  dated brothers through high school, went to Union together, were sorority sisters, even roomed together at one point, her sorority big sister was my college best friend (Amber), and eventually were in each other's weddings.  She has probably shared more of my past than any other friend and is so special to me.  We have tried to keep in touch over the years, especially since we both have married, had children and now live 4 hours from one another, though it is sometimes difficult.  She lives in Nashville now but was in town for the weekend so we jumped at the chance to hang out with her and Aiden.  The kids are growing up and played well together.  We attempted a great picture of all three kids, but you know how difficult that is sometimes....

Brayden, Aiden, and Karis

Michelle and Aiden

Me and Michelle

We had such a great time Shelly it was great to see yall!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Today's random energy is returning (for today anyway)!

We didn't even leave the house today, yet it seems there was still alot of random action to be had.

Due to alot of energy (determination really) I was able to clean my whole house!  This should call for a celebration because it REALLY needed it.  I even washed all of the sheets too!  And caught up on all the has been weeks since I have been able to say this!

BUT...on the last step of my chore list, my vacuum cleaner started smoking terribly and almost caught on fire!!!! It was smoking so bad I had to run it outside because I really thought it would combust in flames!  It was a sight to see.  But thank goodness it did not and I think it is clogged.  I did TRY to take it apart and that is not happening so we will wait until Jay gets home to try to fix it so I can finish.  And aaaaahhhhh at last we will have a clean floor (and house) for a change!  

I am remembering  the delicious dinner as I of my family's favorites...turnip greens, pinto beans and cornbread.  Some might think it is strange but the kids BEG for it!  Last night I cooked chicken spaghetti and although Karis loves it, she was disappointed because she wanted greens SOOOOO bad! Tonight she ate her helping, some of Jay's, and Brayden's leftovers.  I think she would eat a whole bowl all by herself!

I even had time after dinner to cut Brayden's hair and Karis and I had girl time and did pedicures!  :)

Jay is determined to get his first deer of the season (and we need it!) so he got up at 5:00 this morning and went and is now out again.  Hopefully he will not come in empty-handed this time!

Switching gears...On a serious note, I found out today that a friend of mine from a church I attended before Jay and I married (Hope Baptist) passed away yesterday.  He was a family man with a wife and 2 teenage/college daughters.  He was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at the end of September and died a month and a day later.  I read up on his caring bridge site today and am amazed at how quickly his life was taken from him.  It is only by the grace and kindness of the Lord that will allow his family to endure this hard time.  I was in tears as I read his story, realizing that life is such a gift that we all take for granted.  Hug your family today and thank the Lord for His provision and grace in your life. You never might your last.

We are up for a busy weekend including 2 birthday parties, a visit with a friend since childhood (Michelle Hardee Gilmore), our small group is meeting at our house and I have tickets to Carrie Underwood for Sunday night (a b-day present from my dear sweet brother Allen).  I hope my energy last through the weekend!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

10 weeks

Well time is ticking and the baby is definitely growing. We are now 10 weeks and the pregnancy symptoms are still there...exhaustion and sickness off and on all day. I am learning to cope as I did with the other two of how to handle it although it is not fun. Anytime I feel the sickness coming on I have to stuff food in my mouth even if it the last thing in the world I want to do. With Karis my sickness lasted from 6 weeks-11 weeks, with Brayden it was from 6-17 weeks. This one started at 3 1/2 weeks so I am already ready for this to pass!!! Hopefully it won't be too much longer. I know my family will be glad for me to get back to my normal energy and we might have a clean floor for a change!

I am in the awkward stage right now where nothing in my wardrobe fits. The pants are too tight and I am having to use the ponytail holder to make them work. Then my shirts aren't long enough to cover it so it looks goofy. I tried on some maternity the other day and it literally fell off of me so that is not working either. If I could wear pajama pants everyday life would be good! Moms out there, you know the stage...where it looks like you are getting fat instead of growing a baby??? Yep that's it. I have only gained 1 lb. so far although it looks like about 10! I never have shown this soon before with the other two but I guess with the 3rd, my body knows what to do by now and it is doing it well!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my second visit and everything seemed to be progressing as normal. We heard the heartbeat for the 2nd time although I was expecting to not hear it just yet. My doctor warned me ahead of time, "Now I am not going to be concerned if we don't hear the heartbeat yet because usually you can't hear it on top of the belly until 11 weeks, but let's try and see." He was able to hear it immediately (and a strong one) and he replied, "Girl you are always good and pregnant!" I guess that is where all the sickness is coming from, huh?

The kids have been so sweet with this new growing baby. When I had Brayden, Karis was only 21 months so she was too young to enjoy me being pregnant and to understand what was going on. This time they are both very aware and say the sweetest things. Karis is VERY protective of my belly and doesn't want anything to touch it. She is even careful hugging me and then leans down and kisses my stomach and says, "I am sorry baby I squished you!" Brayden is also wanting to kiss the baby all the time and keeps saying, "Baby in there!" and "Baby come out?" Last time I asked, Brayden and Karis both think it is a girl. Who knows??? And we won't know this time until the baby arrives! How exciting!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A life begins at conception

The Lord has really spoke to me in the past week about what a blessing it is to be able to conceive, carry and deliver a miracle.  Partially the timing is because of the new little one that I carry inside of me.  Also recently I have watched the birth video of Karis being born and I cried ALL the way through it (and for the remainder of the day) because I realize how time has flown by SOOOO fast and I sure don't want to wish it away or miss a moment of it.  I had simply "forgotten" how amazing it is to see your child for the first time and that sudden realization that it is only by the grace of God that the baby was conceived, that a human body can carry another, and that the baby is made so perfectly that it just "knows what to do" when brought into this world.  Also timing is perfect with the upcoming election and my hard-core stance of pro-life on the issue of abortion.  How can anyone decide to "murder" such a miracle?  I don't see "their" stance at all!  

Below is a video (Part 1-9 minutes Part-2-5 minutes) of a girl named Gianna Jessen who when her mom was told at 7 months pregnant that she would deliver a Cerebal Palsy baby, she attempted to abort the baby.  However, she SURVIVED the abortion and lives to tell about it.   Her abortioner then in turn had to sign her birth certificate!!!  She is a very strong believer in Jesus Christ and unashamedly admits it.    The last video is her interview with Hannity and Colmes which is also worth watching.  

Intra Gastric Balloon Surgery

My mom (and 2 of her friends) have recently applied for a surgery study  that has been performed in other countries, but only 4 times in the US.  It is called the Intra Gastric Balloon Surgery.  It is suppose to help with weight loss for those especially that need to lose weight fast for various reasons.  She signed up for this not knowing whether she would be picked for the actual surgery.  24 people from the surrounding area were picked but only 12 of those would actually receive the balloon while the others would receive a nutritionist and a study would be completed to prove that those with the balloon lost weight faster.  Well surprisingly, my mom, her friends Karen and Stephanie were all picked to be part of the group of 24.  They completed a series of medical testing including an EKG and some others over the past week or two and then, by computer, the 12 would be picked to actually get the surgery.  Well they all got calls yesterday to let them know whether they were part of the 12 that had the surgery or the 12 that got the diet and nutrition plan.  Stephanie got the call first and found out that she GOT THE SURGERY.  She was so excited.  She has started a blog based on her story at  She is hilarious by the way and WAY honest.  Then Karen got a call saying she ALSO GOT THE SURGERY.  Based on stats we knew the chance for my mom to get it also was slim to none.  About 3 minutes later, my mom got the call that SHE TOO GOT THE SURGERY.  Out of all that applied, only 24 were chosen for the study and only 12 got surgery and my mom and her two friends are 3 of them!!!!  They are all so excited yet nervous.  All three of their surgeries are NEXT MONDAY!!!  It will be a wild least all of their husbands can hang out in the waiting room!  I will keep you updated as I know more but until then, below is a video of the actual 8 minute surgery they will get on Monday.  WARNING: if you have a weak stomach, you probably shouldn't watch it.  It is very graphic, but informative.

Shower weekend in Nashville

My brother Matt is getting married to a wonderful girl, Tiffany Parrish on December 20th.  They had their first shower this weekend in Nashville so my mom, kids and I drove up for it.  Saturday night the kids helped Tiff ice the cake and they were having a blast!  I can't say it was most beautifully decorated cake in the world but it sure tasted good!

Sunday after church we went to brunch at IHOP...

This is Tiff's family: Darlene, Jeff and her sister Brianna

Then we headed over to the shower and they got lots of wonderful things. Below is my mom and Tiffany at the shower.

Karis ADORES Tiffany.  In fact, she wants her hair to grow out so it can be "just like Tiffanys."

Tiff with her 2 cousins Kaitlyn and Amanda and Karis and Brayden, all of which are in the wedding.

Matt and Tiffany

My mom and brother

It was such a wonderful weekend with Matt, Tiffany and her family.  It was a joy to spend so much time with them.  It was a little tiring for the kids.  On Sunday as we were heading home, Brayden was so tired that when we opened the door to get in, he laid down in the floorboard next to his blanket and pillow...
We love you Matt and Tiffany.  We are so excited for you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Due to Brayden's virus, we have spent pretty much all week away from people and have played at home.  The kids have done very well playing with one another and keeping each other occupied, however today we just had to get out and enjoy the gorgeous day.  Jay took the day off too, which always made it lots more fun.   Below, the kids are watching daddy practice shooting his "boat" as Brayden called it (bow) because he is going deer hunting this afternoon at the back of our property.

What a cool dude...(except he is holding some flowers his sister gave him)

Daddy shooting his "boat" (bow)

Jay took this picture...he especially loves her shirt!

Karis talks about it being "fall" all of the time these days because the leaves are falling and changing colors.  Here is her leaf collection from our nature walk today.  The big one was "the biggest I have ever seen!" and the others were just pretty colors.
Today was such a family fun day!  (Except that yucky snake we saw in our front yard!)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wrestling match?

Not sure if this is a wrestling match or a simple "I love you" hug, but either way it was picture worthy...