Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A day of firsts

Today was a day filled with lots of emotions...fear, excitement, anticipation, and joy.  We have been talking about this day for weeks now and it finally came.  This morning I took Karis to her first dentist appointment.  She was very excited about it and seemed prepared...that is until we got there.  I didn't know to prepare her that they would take her back there without me.  She was confident until the boy in front of her went back without his mom and she turned to me and said, "I want you to go back there with me."  I explained to her that they would take good care of her and I would be waiting for her in the waiting room.  When the nurse came to get her, she went back with all smiles and didn't seem hesitant.  A few minutes later the nurse came back and said, "We want you back here."  I walked in and Karis was crying terribly and looked scared to death!!!  I loved on her and then showed her some "tough love" and then they had to hold her down to clean her teeth.  Once she saw they weren't going to hurt her, she got better and stopped crying.  Her teeth?  They said they were perfect and no cavities...it is a good thing because we would have to strap her down for that!  She did get to pick out a new toothbrush, toothpaste, and a treat and by the time we left, she was smiling from ear to ear and was so proud of herself. She wanted to call her daddy and tell him that she was such a "big girl."  I think she really fears the "unknown" and I think she will do great by the next time we go.  We sure hope so!

Here she is showing me her really clean teeth!

This is her new toothbrush and toothpaste.  She didn't want to put it down!

For having such a big day, I told her she would get to pick out a toy at Target and she chose this baby bathtub.  She has already used it to wash a duck, baby (several) and one of Brayden's lizards.  

Then comes ROUND 2 of bravery!  She started gymnastics today for the first time and she was excited about this one too!  She woke up this morning and said, "Mom it is going to be a BIG DAY!"  Her best friend Mari-Morgan was also starting the class today so she was really thrilled!  Well...it started off about as successful as the dentist office...she started crying, was embarrassed, and didn't want to participate.  I sat down in the floor with her and 4 other 3/4 year olds (in a skirt) and did the stretches with her and that didn't work.  One of her teachers finally took her from me and started talking to her and within about 10 minutes she started warming up.  I saw she was almost ready to participate at this point.  Her dad walked in to her lesson and she just lit up!  I talked to her at that point and told her that if she participated through the rest of the class I would take her to get ice cream.  She did one flip and then was hooked.  She loved it and started grinning so big!!! She was so proud of herself.  By the end of the class she didn't want to leave and even volunteered to go first on the BIG balance beam!  Every time she would do something, she would run over to me and give me a high five!!!

This is her doing her first flip...the one that changed her complete outlook of the class.  Thanks Miss Rachel!!!

Then she did the small balance beam (which she has been practicing all week).

Then another flip...

Can you see the excitement on her face???

This is what she volunteered to do FIRST!!!

This is her best friend, Mari-Morgan doing the bars.

Karis on the bars

And again...

Then a flip on the bars...

Karis and her friends in her class, Karly and Mari-Morgan.

Afterwards they got a treat...she really liked that!

Karis was in the spotlight today but Brayden was and has been pretty brave for a few weeks.  He started getting allergy shots weekly and had his 4th one today. Poor thing...when we pulled up in the parking lot today he started saying, "Hurt! Hurt!" SO because he was such a big boy, he got to pick out a toy too and he chose this $2 toy "stick" (he calls it) but it is a recorder.  When I got out to the car and unwrapped it and showed him what it did, I soon was reminded why I shouldn't have!  He "whistled" all the way home!!!

Here he is showing daddy his "stick" and how it whistles.
They have ahd a rough/busy last couple of weeks...school for the first time, allergy testing/shots, first dentist appointment, first gymnastics, etc.  It has been a wild few weeks and today especially was exciting and emotionally draining!  I guess there will be alot of firsts along the way but I sure don't want to miss a single one!  I am so proud of my little ones!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that even after doing flips....she still had a bow in her hair!
