IT'S A BOY! (X2)
I have lots of friends due this month and this has been baby week! I have had 3 friends have babies already and 2 more friends that haven't had their babies yet but are due in the next 2 weeks. It's baby week and they are all far.
First on our rounds was Everett's baby brother. He was born at 12:19 today so he was only about 5 hours old! Everett was glad to see us and I couldn't wait to hug his neck, his momma's, and that sweet little baby! It melted my heart that I soon as I walked into the room, Everett yelled, "NANA!" He is going to be such a great big brother...he has always loved babies!
Meet 8 lb. baby Ellis and his handsome big bro Everett!
Heeeeeyyyyyy Ev!
Pic compliments of Lucy....
Then we headed to another nearby hospital and went to see Luke's baby brother Ben who was born yesterday and was 24 hours old. The girls LOVED seeing all these babies!!!
Meet Luke's 6 lb. baby brother Ben!
Little baby fuzz...
I was honored to get to hold these sweet babies and thankful for their families' friendships!
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