Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We put up our Christmas tree!

We normally wait until at least the week of Thanksgiving to put up our tree but last night I mentioned to Jay that I wanted to put it up early next week and 4 little ears heard me say it.  They have not let us forget it!  Karis BEGGED last night to put up the tree but since she didn't have such a good day yesterday, we told her we would put it up today.  She begged daddy at least 50 times before he ever put his feet on the floor to go get the Christmas tree.  So he did and we had so much fun decorating it.  This year they were both a great age and they both truly helped me without me having a heart attack while doing it.  Brayden kept saying, "SO PRETTY!"  This year he truly appreciated it!  SO with the Christmas music playing, cinnamon candles burning, and lots of decorations, we had a blast decorating our 2008 Christmas tree.  It is so hard to believe next year we will have a 7 month old "helping" out!

Karis (being my collector and organizer...wonder where she got that from???) was organizing all of the stuff we were getting out.  She said this was her "collection."

My sweet boy and the snowman

Karis by the tree she helped decorate

Brayden by our tree

My sweet kiddos

Finished product...oh I love Christmas time!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Isn't it a great feeling to have it all done? Now you can relax and enjoy all the Christmas festivities to come. I love this time of the year and I have a feeling my little one year old is gonna like it, too.
