Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Hannah!

Karis has a great friend in her class at school who just had her 4th birthday!  She actually came to Karis' birthday at the beginning of October at ConXion Gymnastics and has since joined the class and wanted to have her birthday party there also!  So now they are in the same class at school and gymnastics.  Hannah's mom was having some tests run and was in the hospital and sadly, missed Hannah's party.  I felt terrible for her.  But Hannah seemed to have a great time anyway.

Happy Birthday Hannah!

1 comment:

  1. That is just so sweet of you to document Hannah's Birthday! Yes, I was so upset that words can't even describe what I was feeling. She did have a great birthday but I still had to do something special for her birthday that I could enjoy with her later.
