Thursday, November 13, 2008

Movie Night

With dad gone we were really missing him so we had to do something fun tonight to pass the time, so we had movie night.  We moved around the furniture and made a palett on the floor, popped some popcorn and watched a movie.  You would have thought it was Christmas morning...they were so excited (and me was fun!).  There is nothing like seeing your kids excited over little nothings.  :)

Karis' movie of choice...Aladdin

We will be counting the hours until daddy comes home.  He is on his way home now but it is a 24 hour drive and they are stopping to sleep tonight so hopefully we will see him tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda! The kids are getting so big! They are adorable! How are you and Jay doing? I see you have a baby on the way, congratulations! Hope all is going well in Mississippe! Miss you guys!
