Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pac Rim Summit

Thanks to Lolli for watching the kids for us, Jay and I were able to attend a Pacific Rim Summit  today and enjoyed every minute of it.  It was great getting to see old friends from our home church as well as meet all the incredible mi**ionaries.  To be honest, growing up I used to get bored at the term because to me it was so foreign (literally). However, the Lord has truly changed my heart and given me a heart and a passion for what they do.  They deserve our attention and respect!  Jay and I LOVE getting to hear all of their stories of how God has provided for them and how they have gotten where they are today.  I truly feel like God reveals himself in a bolder way in these countries and their "God stories" are unbelievable.  We both soak it in and know that if we are ever fortunate to be in their shoes, we would be honored and blessed.  Tonight we sat at a table with workers from 6 different countries and were able to talk with them about their experiences.  I wish I could share more but due to confidentiality, I am not able.  

On a side note, Jay was asked last night (due to someone dropping out) to join a short-term mission trip to Mexico that will be leaving tomorrow morning!  We got home tonight and he is packing (very quickly I might add) to depart by 5:00 a.m.   Please pray for their safety because they will be driving (at least a 21 hour drive) as well as for us while he is away.  

1 comment:

  1. Jay and Amanda-great to see you last night-you looked great! So funny-today I googled PacRim summit and your page was a link posted on Google...WOW! The pics are great! Meg and I were singing "on the road again" today and thought of a certain bunch on a certain trip. Take care! Cindy G
