Friday, September 26, 2008

Our new favorite show

Our family has found a new show that we love!  It is called SUPER WHY! from Channel 10 PBS Kids.  The kids love it and it is extremely educational.  Karis is quickly learning her letters and the story line is always positive and intriguing.

"Inside" each book the Super Readers lead the viewer on an engaging reading adventure. They talk to fictional characters from the story, play reading games and activities to overcome obstacles, search for Super Letters, and practice such key skills as letter identification, word decoding, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension. Super Why, who has the Power to Read can even change a story ending.and save the day! (For example: He can change the big bad wolf to a small good wolf!) What's unique about this approach is that while kids are learning and practicing the ABC's of reading, they're also thinking about what they're reading, applying reasoning skills to see the story in a real-life context and experiencing books in a powerful new way.

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