Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our cash system

I have had several questions from friends about how we do our budget/cash system, so I thought I would write it out and offer it to anyone who is considering switching to it....

When I resigned in May 2007 from my full-time teaching position, we "switched" over from plastic to cash because money was going to be really tight.  One of my friends (thanks Faith) gave me some advice that has really made the cash system work.  We saved up for quite a while and got to the point where we were a month ahead in our finances.  Whatever your monthly income is, save up until you have that amount of money.  It does take a while but is the only way to make the cash system work for you.  This way you are not taking out $200 out of this check and then 2 weeks later, taking another $200 or so.  If you are a month ahead, you can get out all of your cash at the beginning of the month that you will need for the entire month and don't have to wait to "get paid" to get more out to eat that week.  When we deposit our monthly checks at the end of the month, we go ahead and get out our EXACT amount of cash we have designated for that next month.  

As far as cash, we sat down and decided exactly how much we were going to need for daily in/out activities for that month.  For example:

Car Maintenance $30 (1 $20/1 $10)
Hair Cuts $36 (3 $10's/6 $1's) 
Lunches $80 (4 $20's)
Entertainment $50 (2 $20's/1 $10)
Doctors/Pharmacy $50 (2 $20's/2 $5's)
Gift Fund $30 (1 $20/1 $10)
Groceries $400 (4 $100's)

Total Cash $686

When you get cash out, of course they will ask you how you want it.  So I have it written out and it is easy.

4 $100's
10 $20's
7 $10's 
2 $5's
6 $1's

Then when you get home, put it in your envelope system for your use.   

The cash system works well because you spend less and you have told each dollar where to go (Dave Ramsey).  Somehow when you pay cash for something, it hurts worse than if you swipe the plastic.  

As far as monthly bills that have to be paid, I called or rearranged all of our bills to be automatically debited at the first of the month.  Since we are a month ahead, I like for bills to be paid at the beginning since the whole month's income is sitting in the bank.  When this happens, bills are paid quickly and you don't think that you have more money to "spend" than you really do.  If there is no money in the account, you won't spend it.  Of course, any money that is "extra" can be transferred online to a savings account (we have ours linked).  Banking online is so easy and convenient. 

It is quite easy and convenient.  I rarely have to write checks or pay bills (because they are all automatically debited) and we know exactly where our money can be spent.  Sometimes, you might go beyond what you have budgeted, and when that happens, you can shift around money in the envelopes as needed.  However, be careful not to make a habit of it or the system will start to fail.  But make it work for you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A night with my hubby

Tonight, since the kids were at Lolli's, Jay and I decided to go on a date!  We went to the afternoon viewing of Fireproof (because it was cheaper) and then went to our favorite restaurant to eat, Outback.  The latter was delicious as always but the movie??? INCREDIBLE.  It is a christian movie with a great message.  It is about a young couple that faces divorce and how the Lord draws them to Himself and in turn, changes both of their lives.  We don't go to movies very often, but not only did we make room for this one in our budget, but will own it when it comes out!  I was crying like a baby and I think I might have seen a tear in Jay's eye too!  :)  It is a must see!  But, of course over all, the night with my hubby was wonderful as always!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My little helpers

Tonight's dinner was spaghetti and garlic bread and I had lots of helpers!  Brayden wanted to help me and as I was working over the stove, I looked over to see him building this tower with my ingredients.

Then it wasn't long that I had TWO helpers!

Our new favorite show

Our family has found a new show that we love!  It is called SUPER WHY! from Channel 10 PBS Kids.  The kids love it and it is extremely educational.  Karis is quickly learning her letters and the story line is always positive and intriguing.

"Inside" each book the Super Readers lead the viewer on an engaging reading adventure. They talk to fictional characters from the story, play reading games and activities to overcome obstacles, search for Super Letters, and practice such key skills as letter identification, word decoding, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension. Super Why, who has the Power to Read can even change a story ending.and save the day! (For example: He can change the big bad wolf to a small good wolf!) What's unique about this approach is that while kids are learning and practicing the ABC's of reading, they're also thinking about what they're reading, applying reasoning skills to see the story in a real-life context and experiencing books in a powerful new way.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today's gymnastics

Karis and Mari-Morgan at gymnastics

Big Accomplishments

Today Karis accomplished two different things that I had to document. At school (and at home) Karis has been learning her letters.  Up until the last couple of weeks, she has NOT been ready to learn these (believe me I have tried and failed numerous times), but it seems in the last couple of weeks, she is soaking it up.  She has been practicing her name and today she wrote her name for the 1st time.  Unfortunately it was impromptu and it was on an envelope.  Oh well.  But here it is...obviously hers is the one on the bottom.

Also she completed this picture below at school so we added "setting the table" to her chore chart.  She set the table today all by herself.  She was very proud of this!

You go girl...we are proud of you!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

God will provide.

To make a long story short, I found out Wednesday when I got to work that due to the budget cuts, my hours have been seriously cut. I was working about 18-19 hours a week and starting Monday, my maximum hours are 6.  This is going to be a serious cut for us and we are trusting that the Lord will provide for our every need.  He allowed me to quit my full-time job, then gave me this wonderful job and has not ever let us go hungry.  I KNOW that He will provide even now with these cuts. I am going to have to get creative as to how to make a few extra bucks and have a few ideas but are just waiting/praying about some of the options (subbing, cleaning houses/businesses...anybody interested?, or working at a mother's day out).  We do still feel as though my priority is our children and our home and that is something that will not change unless God instructs us otherwise.  In the meantime, we will continue to trust that God's plan is always best...even when we don't understand or know what the future holds.

Jay's HOME!!!

Well Jay arrived home from India last night and it was pure bliss for me!  I was soooooooo missing him and was so excited to see him after a long 12 days!  The kids saw him pulling up and were screaming and jumping and about clobbered him as he walked in the door.  We have spent the past 24 hours catching up on the last 2 weeks, while he shared all about his trip showing us pictures and telling us lots of great stories.  His team was able to make some great connections for future trips.  I do think he was VERY glad to get back to American food, and he did mention coffee too!  He is a little jet-lagged but overall adjusting back to normal life.  We sure are enjoying his presence.  :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Me (plus 10)

Today my mom was setting up for the Countrywood Yard Sale (big, successful event for her) as she does every year so I committed to come over and watch her kids for her.  She had 5, then I brought my two and Mari-Morgan.  My friend Rachel also needed me to watch her youngest two, Kendall and Jack while she went to Jackson for a meeting.  So all in all, we ended up with a party of 10 ages 8 months -4 years.  The kids had a blast and it ended up being a really easy day.  I even rested for about 2 hours while all 10 napped/rested at the same time.  My mom has hers down to a serious schedule and all of my crew adapted great.  We even had a minute or two to snap some fun shots...

The girls

The boys

Playing dolls...imagine that!

After naps we went outside for a while.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Karis and Mari-Morgan

These girls just can't seem to get enough of each other.  They have been hanging out several times a week (especially as of late) and are loving every minute of it.  Every day I hear, "Can we go to Mari-Morgans?"  Then Brayden chimes in..."I want to go to Paige's house and see Mowgan and Nathan!"

This is the girls on Tuesday at gymnastics with their matching leotards on (after spending all day together while I worked).

They came over on Wednesday night to hang out with us while Jay was gone...I needed some company!

Karis said here, "I am carrying a tree!"  Close I guess.
We sure are thankful for good friends!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We are missing daddy.

We have almost survived the 2 weeks while dad is gone. We are really missing him and counting down the days....Friday can't get here soon enough!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Poor Brayden

Well sometime last night Brayden got some kind of virus or something and started running a fever and wheezing.  So we gave him motrin and breathing treatments all night trying to get him better.  He is so used to these...what a trooper.

This morning I stayed home with Brayden so Karis went to church with Lolli.  This is her new birthday dress Lolli got her a few weeks ago. How beautiful!

Brayden hasn't had fever since the middle of the night so hopefully we are on the mend!  We hope so!

Kinsley Joy

Kinsley is a family friend's daughter and her mom and dad went away to Nashville for a weekend race.  Since this is their first time away from her, we made sure we documented the fun.  Here is Lolli and Kinsley on the carousel on Friday night.

At the playground

Karis shared her build-a-bear with Kinsley

Arlington Park

Sunday morning before church...I think this little one likes purses!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Arlington Park

Tonight we decided to check out the Arlington Park before dark and called up some of Karis' friends to meet us there.  They had a great time!  

Yard Sales

For those of you that know my mom, you know she is a yard sale professional.  She and her buddies go every week and have for years and even have Memphis streets memorized and know where the good sales are.  Since we are staying at her house this weekend, Karis and I got up and went with her.  As always, we found some great deals.  I spent less than $20 and got LOTS of fun things for the kids.  Not everything is even pictured because some of it was still in the washing machine.

For Brayden, balls to hang on his wall, a red Pottery Barn lamp for his room, some trucks, motorcycles and a whole bag of balls (he loves them).

And I got this basketball goal for 3 dollars and he has played on it constantly since we got home with it.

For Karis, we got 6 build-a-bears for $.50 a piece, 2 leotards for gymnastics, a groovy girl sleeping bag, a candle for her room, 2 birthday hats/crown since she has one coming up, a purse, a bunch of pandas, flip-flop houseshoes, and all these fun cleaning supplies so she can help mom!

What a successful, fun day at the sales!  I love some deals!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mall visit

Tonight we decided to get out and go to the mall for a little while with Lolli and Pop.  We ate at Ruby Tuesday and then shopped around some.  We of course couldn't pass up the carousel and the playground....

Karis then was determined to get AN OUTFIT for her build-a-bears so we went into the store to find one.  Then we all remembered that she didn't have any of her bears at Lolli's house and since we weren't going home for another day or so, I went ahead and let her get one.  



Holding "Cassie"....

Brayden on the playground

Karis and Kinsley